
Chapter Eleven of E.E. has been updated. Check it out now. Love you all. X


Here is some good news and some bad news. So, the bad news first so that the good news can overwrite it.
          - My updates on T.H.E. are going way slower than ever and I'd really appreciate it if you bear with me. Rest of the stuff will be put up in the A/N of E.E.
          - Good news is that you'll probably get to see sneak peaks of my deleted book when I'm unable to update! 
          This was such a long message. xD Love you guys. Thanks for reading and have a nice day/night! :)


Yes I'm back!
          Chapter Seven of Evelyn Erendale and Chapter One of Through Her Eyes have been updated! Go check them out now! Love you all xoxo


@AnnaForever16 yaay thank you so much i was getting impatient


Just a tiny little update. I will be MIA for a while from the 1st of February to the 20th because of my Finals. I will be studying and won't be able to update or write :/ New chapter will be up tomorrow! Don't forget to Vote, comment and share! x