
BTR is updated!


@CLinmemesindekiben  I'm, sorry, I don't understand your language. :(


@CLinmemesindekiben  I'm sorry, I don't understand that language. :(


Hey everyone who follows the weirdest hobbit,
          If you have heard of my book called Born to Race, then you may know I have had some issues with it. 
          Mostly me being stuck with the plot line since forever.
          But I have posted something. 
          So please, check it out.


          I AM LOOKING FOR A CO-WRITER!!!!!!
          I'm kinda stuck with BTR, for the writing part I mean. So like any reasonable person, I look for help.
          Can you help me? 
          - Be alive
          - Write
          - Be able to listen to my weird ramblings and ideas
          - Have weird ramblings and ideas
          That's all!
          See if you qualify and if you id like to be my co-writer, my partner in crime, mi amigo, then don't hesitate to PM me or send an e-mail to
          See you!


Hello my fellow followers,
          See what I did there? No? Nevermind then.
          I message thee to announce that I hereby am creating characters for whoever desires one or more.
          I know I said I'm taking a break from BTR, but that doesn't mean I'm taking a break from you guys! 
          I just really like to figure a person out, what characteristics does he/she have to what is their favorite flower to does he/she have a job and when yes, what kind of job?
          If you're interested or know someone who might be interested, please send me a message. I'm so lonely between school and writing my stories -more like a writers block.
          Once you asked me for one, you receive:
          - a full name (first + middle + last)
          - bday (and age)
          - height and weight
          - medical stuff like glasses, asthma, phobias and so on
          - characteristics
          - hobbies
          - favourite music, books and movies (genre or specific)
          - celeb crush (I love those :P)
          - favourite flower, color, car, animals and food (or what he/she doesn't like)
          - job now and when 'grownup'
          - positive/negative things about him/her
          - clothing style and looks
          - what car he/she drives
          - family (with/without ages, names, looks)
          - pets (with/without name)
          - obsessions and/or guilty pleasures
          - something what I call 'Extra', I tell you there how many friends he/she has (with/without names), social status, money status, fantasy creature status, love status, stuff like smoking/drinking/drugs/prison -you know, if someone is dead: how and when, what makes them laugh/angry/sad etc., embarrassing facts and so on.
          You can just order a full character or you can give me a couple of things that you want your character to be and I go on from there.
          Okay? Okay.
          Thanks for reading this sort of rant and I hope to hear from you soon :)
          Anne ♡
          PS: I also make covers and fanart if you want :P