I've been writing since I was 16, and I'm very organized, concise, and love to work with the best and most correct information, so if you're starting to write ou wanna start to write these are my advice:
▪ First of all, I work on Word, and then I copy the chapter to Wattpad because I like to have my book in one file.
▪ I have a file with all the information that I have about all of the characters ( Name, age, personality / physical characteristics, like all the information that it's important about the character.
▪ I have another file where I write important things that happened in that chapter, this way I can find a specific moment, and I don't need to read the book again.
▪ You also need to have a place where you can write all the ideas that you have our you will forget ( I use my phone notes, because I have ideas in random places, and I really need to write them at the moment ) - this will be a lot useful when you have creative blocks, you can just read all of your ideas.
▪ And also creative blocks are normal, I think that every written has them.
So, these are some of my suggestions, I have more if you want to write more suggestions/advice our if you wanna give some suggestion, please reply.
Lots of Love, Anna.