
Working on a new chapter for Bound to Forever! I'm hoping to have it out by tomorrow or by the end of the day tomorrow! 400+ words in now!


@AnnaPhoenix1994 no matter what I know it will be good!! 


@JessMakin Thank you! This next chapter is pretty much a filler chapter until I can figure out what's going to happen next.


So happy to hear from you! I hope you’re doing okay! Very excited to read what’s next! X


Working on a new chapter for Bound to Forever! I'm hoping to have it out by tomorrow or by the end of the day tomorrow! 400+ words in now!


@AnnaPhoenix1994 no matter what I know it will be good!! 


@JessMakin Thank you! This next chapter is pretty much a filler chapter until I can figure out what's going to happen next.


So happy to hear from you! I hope you’re doing okay! Very excited to read what’s next! X


I'm back! Currently started back up with continuing the editing process of "It Goes On" so I can get back in the motivation to continue writing "Bound to Forever" now that I have new ideas for content. Edits will continue to come out throughout the next week due to me being off for holiday.


@XoAmeliaz I'm hoping to sometime next year! Hopefully, the housing market will change because in most articles I've seen, the housing market changes every few years, so I'm hoping I can find something cheaper! House + land here in Montana can be hard to get unless you have a lot of money, but there's some hidden gems.


@AnnaPhoenix1994 aw that's adorable, I hope you can get your homestead ❤️


@XoAmeliaz I've lived in Montana for a few years now. I love it because I've always had an agricultural mindset, so when I moved here, I moved for the purpose of giving back to the community. So when I process a cow, I take the meat that I want for myself and distribute the rest to my neighbors or locals at markets. I also sell my own hay for other farmers/ranchers in the area if they need it. I'm planning to move again to a smaller piece of land because it's hard to keep up with being only one person. I'm wanting a homestead where I can just focus on my horses and chickens.


Hey, guys! Happy Election Day! Like all of you, I'm hoping for a next four years of peace and prosperity, but aside from that, I wanted to come on here and update you all. I'm planning to update "American Pyramid" today with a new chapter, but I'm still having trouble editing on this MacBook as things are different than what I'm used to, so I'm currently writing on this laptop and will add my photos and page separators with my windows desktop at home before I publish.


@AnnaPhoenix1994 take your time sweetheart, we will wait, if your stck on ideas how about a chapter where we see Johnny and Teeters day in the life, like spice it up a bit and do something different, i'd be intruiged to read that!!


@XoAmeliaz Great! I'm so glad someone noticed the slight changes. I wanted to add the dialogue like it's seen in the game. I also am having trouble editing with this MacBook compared to my Windows desktop because I'm so used to Windows and I'm trying to get used to the transition of Apple, so I'm doing basic writing on this laptop (mainly because it's slow at work and I take my MacBook with me) and doing a final draft on my desktop.


@AnnaPhoenix1994 amazing I love it, makes it feel more emmersive ❤️


Just a quick little update for the books I'm currently working on for those curious! 
          "Bound to Forever" - undergoing a massive edit as well as producing more content before publishing new chapters. 
          "American Pyramid" - also producing new content before uploading. 
          I recently got back from vacation for a week, getting home from Las Vegas and having barely any time to get onto any type of social media for a while. I'm glad to be updating again. 
          And I also invested into a new laptop to work on my stories, and it's my first time having a MacBook, so I'm still trying to figure it out! 
          I love you guys!


@ChloeStayarmy I thought about continuing the series, but I didn't have much material to go by, so I just concluded it there instead of continuing.


@AnnaPhoenix1994 ok i was waiting for a chapter to said  5 years later? Or something  


@ChloeStayarmy yes, Sound of Madness is completed!


"It Goes On" is currently going through an ENTIRE refresh. Bear with me!


@AnnaPhoenix1994 can’t wait to hear from you babe, glad to have you back! X


Thank you! It feels good to be back! I’ve been under the weather this week and kinda got out of the CoD fandom for a little while unfortunately at NO FAULT of Ghost at all. I just can’t switch between fandoms. lol I was back on my GAC fandom and had to wait for the excitement to wear off.  I’m finally off of 24/7 call tomorrow, so I’ll have all of the weekend to get some major updating done. 


Sooo good to hear from you girl! Hope you’re okay x


I finally started back on my Call of Duty kick. I started editing older chapters to look more creative and bring them to life a bit, hoping that doing so will spark my interest to continue writing. I made the mistake of watching an episode of Ghost Adventures and got back into my Zak Bagans obsession since I had a crush on him since 2009.  Oopsies! I can’t switch between fandoms like some of yall can. 


Guys I SWEAR I am planning to update soon! I'm on call and I keep getting distracted, BUT I do have like 600+ words of a new chapter currently, but I'm hoping to get more!


@AnnaPhoenix1994 don’t worry girl! Get yourself sorted x


@JessMakin I’ve just been so busy and when I try to edit, I keep getting distracted or I get called out and I’ll be up until four a.m. 


Don’t worry girl! Don’t stress yourself too much we are all still here and will be until you are ready! Hope you’re doing okay x


Now that I'm finally off from my 24/7, I'm planning on updating this week. I'm going out of town this weekend for a horsemanship clinic (weather permitting - Montana is unpredictable at this point. Lol). I worked late again today, but I'm planning not to work as late so I can take better care of myself mentally and physically now that I've been recording high heart rates and blood pressure.


@AnnaPhoenix1994 well you make sure you enjoy your time off work and relax when you can!!  I can’t wait for the drama in this next chapter x


@JessMakin Thank you! I'm working on the new chapter now. I hate writing action and this one is the climax of the story, so it takes a bit longer than the usual drama/fluff.


Glad to hear you’re looking after yourself, look forward to hearing from you soon  xx


Hey, guys, I'm planning to update sometime this weekend. I'm on call this week and I've had some health concerns regarding my heartrate and blood pressure, so I'm taking a break to keep an eye on it while I'm working.


@AnnaPhoenix1994 oh bless you I’m so sorry!! You’re a fighter though you’ll get through it I’m sure! I hope you start feeling better and sleeping good soon! X


Thank you! I hit stage 2 hypertension yesterday, and thankfully it hasn’t spiked since then, but I feel so drained and haven’t been sleeping good.


Look after yourself darling! Look forward to hearing from you soon xx