
Yes, it's me! Yes, I am still here and yes, I haven't yet given up though I have been cruelly late in posting new chapters. Well this story, that I have named Impossible is truly living up to its name. But a challenge is supposed to bring out the best in me. I hope so. So here goes a new chapter of Impossible - Fire in Blue Eyes. What do you think, can blue eyes depict fire? Check out my take in chapter 6 and let me know if you liked it.
          	Till next time, do stay safe and healthy.
          	Love, Anna


@AnnaRamakson thank you for the update.  ... Please update the upcoming chapters little earlier..


Yes, it's me! Yes, I am still here and yes, I haven't yet given up though I have been cruelly late in posting new chapters. Well this story, that I have named Impossible is truly living up to its name. But a challenge is supposed to bring out the best in me. I hope so. So here goes a new chapter of Impossible - Fire in Blue Eyes. What do you think, can blue eyes depict fire? Check out my take in chapter 6 and let me know if you liked it.
          Till next time, do stay safe and healthy.
          Love, Anna


@AnnaRamakson thank you for the update.  ... Please update the upcoming chapters little earlier..


Hy  I read ur book when love and hate collide and loved it.. I read it in one go..  I wanted to ask if there would b an epilogue or bonus chapter coz i loved those characters vry mch


@kajusv  Hey dear! Thanks for sharing your love with my story and me. I am so grateful to you.  And to answer your question, well I hadn't planned on bonus chapter(s) for WLAHC since I have started few new stories and trying to complete at least one of them :) But as I have said many times, I do believe in Never Say Never. So you never know, may be some day I will go back to Melanie and Norberto and write them a bonus chapter. Wouldn't that be lovely? Keeping my fingers crossed. In the meanwhile, do check out my other stories. You may like some of them. Thanks again for taking time out to message me. Appreciate it immensely. Love, Anna


I know it's been ages and I am not even sure if anyone is reading this story anymore. And I can't even complain for I have been pathetically irregular with the updates. Just so that you know, I love writing. I practically fall in love every time I write and I love all the swoons and the weak knees that come along. But last few months I am struggling to find that rhythm and that's affecting my story. I want to go back to the phase where writing gives me a kick. And it's not happening and that's further switching me off. And its becoming a kind of vicious cycle, I am unable to break out of!
          But I am trying. So if you would just be with me. And who knows, it may suddenly get better. I am waiting, just like you.
          For now, check out my attempt to break this unproductive phase. Chapter 5 of Impossible is out. 
          I just published "Chapter 5 - Do I have It In Me?" of my story "Impossible (Working Title)".


@AnnaRamakson The genre is very good and I am very curious and strated to imagine about how the leadsay meet, how their relationship may proceed Please don't stop the book, it's very good. your writing is waah waah waah. I should thank your husband for duping you to start this genre


@AnnaRamakson Oh girl do you have any idea how beautiful your message is... The way you joined the words is so damn good,.. You take your time dear and get back to track...I am so very confident that we all readers love your writing...I may be good at reading very bad at phrasing so please excuse the mistakes in my message


Hi, l have read your story Sunset at Sarsen Stone and absolutely loved it.. but I wish if you write a story for Henry and Richard also.


@VinitaAgrawal852 Hi Vinita! Thanks a lot for dropping this msg. I m glad you liked my story. This truly makes my day And I had not really planned for a separate story for Henry and Richard but who knows. I might surprise myself. If there is anything I have learned, its never say never! So, thanks for sharing. I will let you if that happens. Till then, you can try out my other stories.  Love, Anna


Just curious..are you an indian?


@Rashmits5 Hey that's so sweet of you... I never thought that a simple message from a reader could motivate the writer... I always thought you will just ignore readers' messages... But I am over overwhelmed... I wil start today and finish all the five chapters and  will waiting for next


@Rashmits5 That's so sweet of you to say.  Sending you lots of my love ❤❤❤ As for Impossible, yes I can understand the pain of waiting for the updates and I have been pathetically slow with this one but looking at your msg, I just uploaded a new chapter. Hopefully it will become a habit. Let me know when you get to read Impossible! And thanks again for WDAMO! Love, Anna


@Rashmits5 Dear I can't wait between the updates so I thought of reading in one go once finished. But I will start now and surely send my feedback I am very sure that I am gonna love this... I love what dreams are made of