
Hello Wattpaders!!
          	You are probably wondering when is the next update, I've been waiting a long time, right? I've been busy with my project for NaNoWriMo & editing/writing books & writing the 2nd book called "The World of The Royals" which has taken lots of my time. On that note...
          	I'm happy to say starting (December 15th) Uploads will return. Can not wait that long? **Free** uploads every Monday on my Patreon are released to the public! Currently, Chapters 1-64 are up and ready for you to read!!!! Just know it excludes locked chapters for now. So, head over to my Patreon (link in bio) if you wish to read ahead for FREE. If you wish to continue on to the second book you can read both for just $2 a month all chapter unlocks included... so it's a win-win!!!
          	Hope you all are doing well and enjoying this beautiful Sunday! Wishing you all good vibes for the upcoming Monday, I know you all will crush this week. 
          	Love you all so much!! You are the best readers on Wattpad! Thank you for reading, liking, adding, commenting & sharing my book. You guys make so much possible!!!
          	*Have any questions feel free to comment down below or message me.


Thank you so much for returning the follow and for updating. I am working on an update of my own but am grateful you blessed us with excellent content to read once I am done with my update 


@AnnaRosetti_ thank you so much! Greatly appreciate you for letting me know that and i sgall never give up writing. As long as I have air in my lungs and a heartbeat and can control my writing i will continue to grow as a writer


@LilFilly_Philly_ Trust me when I say I have many mistakes! English has always been a hard subject for me and I've had to push myself. I take mini-classes here and there to help me learn proper grammar and also sentence structure etc. It takes time and a lot of practice and I am still growing as a writer. 
            If you compare my book Restricted to The Breeders you can see a huge difference. Although The Breeders still needs lots of work and has already gone through another revise. My point is never to give up and practice as much as you can. Also using Word and Google docs helps, they point out errors or suggest things.  
            That is beyond awesome that you collab with your best friends! That is not easy to do at all so the fact that you do is awesome!


My writing is not as good as yours, I have grammatical errors but I do try, I write on my personal acct and I gas two joint account where I write collaborations with two of my bestest friends I also have a joint page where me and another good friend do book tag team reading, but that is on hold right now. @AnnaRosetti_ 


@AnnaRosetti Hi do you have an update schedule for bredders on wattpad.
          I know in patreon its Monday so is it on mondays here too?


@RomansuNoKoibito  Hi I do not have a set schedule here, unfortunately. It's more sporadic due to writing the 2nd book and editing the 1st.


Hello Wattpaders!!
          You are probably wondering when is the next update, I've been waiting a long time, right? I've been busy with my project for NaNoWriMo & editing/writing books & writing the 2nd book called "The World of The Royals" which has taken lots of my time. On that note...
          I'm happy to say starting (December 15th) Uploads will return. Can not wait that long? **Free** uploads every Monday on my Patreon are released to the public! Currently, Chapters 1-64 are up and ready for you to read!!!! Just know it excludes locked chapters for now. So, head over to my Patreon (link in bio) if you wish to read ahead for FREE. If you wish to continue on to the second book you can read both for just $2 a month all chapter unlocks included... so it's a win-win!!!
          Hope you all are doing well and enjoying this beautiful Sunday! Wishing you all good vibes for the upcoming Monday, I know you all will crush this week. 
          Love you all so much!! You are the best readers on Wattpad! Thank you for reading, liking, adding, commenting & sharing my book. You guys make so much possible!!!
          *Have any questions feel free to comment down below or message me.


Hi I literally LOVEEE your books plzzzz update I'm dyingggggggg


@RomansuNoKoibito So sorry for the late reply. Moms are there to protect us and it's a good thing and I'm sure that you will thank her one day. Also, I advise that you listen to her :) she has your best interest at heart. I'm not sure how old you are but if you are underage, please follow her direction.  I do not feel comfortable if you are not allowed to be on Wattpad without her consent. Hope you understand, I don't know your situation but hope you have a wonderful weekend.


            Omg hi. I really want to get patreon but I'm actually not supposed to be on wattpad let alone patrean.
            And my mom has all access to my bank account until I'm old enough so could never get past her.
            If I ever get a chance though I will be sure to join
            Also are you not updating on her anymore?


@RomansuNoKoibito You just melted my heart! You can read ahead if you wish on my Patreon there are free uploads but locked chapters are $2 a month. Currently the  entire book is finished and you can read it for just $2 and also the second book is already taking place. Just head to the link in my BIO.. Happy reading


Hey everyone! 
          Hope you are doing well. Had to take some time off as I go through edits and other works. Thank you all for being so patient waiting for the next uploads. There will be 2 chapter uploads this Friday for you all! Hang in there it's coming to you soon! 
          My apologies to those I have yet to message back no worries I'll be answering messages this weekend. 
          Also if you want to read ahead you can read chapters on my Patreon the link is in my BIO Only $2 dollars a month and comes with unlocked chapters! 
          Stay safe and healthy and I'll see you all soon with the uploads! 
          Love you all, Anna


I’ve been reading the breeders and I absolutely love your refreshing take on werewolves. It changes up everything from the general cliches of werewolf writing and really keeps you on your toes. I just started writing on Wattpad myself and I really hope I can keep up with your creativity! I’m excited to see how the wolves handle transforming into human form for the first time in decades for most of them. It was such a bold idea to have a book that keeps them in wolf form for almost the entire story. Keep being bold cause it works so well for you! 


@Plattepuss Aww thank you!!! You are always so supportive and sweet I love that about you. I try every day to do my very best and knowing that someone appreciates it truly warms my heart!! I hope that she continues to write her book and develop her writing craft she has a great concept that I think she should run with. Wishing her the very best. Hopefully she is writing it now!


@Porcelain89 preach sista!!! I get so frustrated with the people that read books on here and then try to push the author to go in a certain direction. It messes with what the original author's vision. I enjoy taking my imagination on the ride with the author. The advice that you are giving is great. 


@LaurenMcAllister5 Aw thank you so much means a lot! That is the plan I'm going to self publish in the near future. A step at a time until it is accomplished.


Even though I'm on hiatus I'm still available to will chat with you all. Hope that everything is going well and I still urge everyone to take care of mental health. Stay strong you will be okay. Love you all so much and have a wonderful weekend.