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@Anna_Hiwatari, while I may not be able to write something as beautiful as what some other people wrote, I truly hope this brings you happiness.
You are one of the best authors I have ever met. Having someone who can write better than authors who have their books sitting in my local library is crazy amazing. Everyone writes differently. They write uniquely according to their own self. Your writing is amazing and beautiful. Your books bring incredible happiness and beautiful smiles to those who read them. It's glorious and I really mean it when I say this. I fell in love at first sight with your writing.
I myself have been in some knee-deep shit. Without you, your books, Stray Kids and other people, I don't really think I'd be here. I struggled to get up from my fall. I relapsed many times but I'm getting there. I'm praying that you heal and that whatever you're going through smooths itself out. And take as much time as you need. Because your health really matters more. It matters the most.
So, with that being said, please stay healthy and happy and most importantly, take care of yourself. Love you, Anna ❤️ ❤️❤️
Sending lots of big hugs ,