
This week's chapters have been postponed due to the current events. The chapters will be posted next week as a result. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Keep safe. #BlackLivesMatter. We stand with you. Much Love from us both.
          	~S.Rey & K. Kumiko


Jaiden <3


I've managed to keep the date as promised for the release. I am so very thankful for the support. It means so much to be because of my anxiety, it helps me keep motivated to produce more and more chapters. I forgot to tell everyone that chapters will be released every Wednesday and I hope you enjoy it. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer your questions.
          Thank you again


Working on this project is a lot of fun but also very stressful. I'm really considering holding off the release for another month because I can't seem to function properly to get the work out on time. I will still try to keep the May 20th premier release.