
Planning on working on one new book right now on this account: The Zodiac Mission. That'll be the main book I'm working on right now!
          	I'm back! But only for a while. You guys think I should stay?
          	Comment below! ✌️✌


Okay, so I know that most of you guys won't believe this, but this is my new account. And, just to prove it, I'll type it on the Anna_Luv2048 account as well. So, if you wish, you can follow me over here. I have some different books, but I may start up another FNaF fanfic if I see a few of my older followers coming over again!
          Bai amazing puffballz!


What should I update next?! Sorry I haven't been on very recently- my computer has been down and my app was deleted and for some reason, I can't get it back.
          I have no reason not to update except for that. Sorry!
          Also, I've ran out of ideas. If you all tell me a book I can update, I can probably get it updated from today to Tuesday.
          (I have a party on Sunday so there probably isn't going to be any updates then.)
          So, to sum it up, I'm sorry, and I need another book to update chosen by you guys.
          Thanks for the help!!!
          -Anna Luv