hey.Hi!! I wonder what made you dedicate your 1st chapter to me but I promise I'm happy and grateful nevertheless. Your story was really good and unique sorts of. When I went through the description itself I could visualize the story before my eyes. Whatever made you like me and feel I'm worthy of your dedication, only heightens my anxiety levels as I have to maintain it. Please continue your dreams and never give up following them. With best wishes for you,your friends,family and of course your writing skills,I wish may this year fulfill all your wishes and dreams.Hope we can turn great friends and also as writing buddies. Bye,from Anuradha a.k.a. dianapenty18.(P.s. : Do I really have to stop talking a.k.a writing to you?You know the best things I love to do is to talk and write. Hope,I didn't bore you off. Bye. Saying with a heavy heart.)