
Werewolf කතා ටිකක් කියන්නකෝ.!!!
          	අනේ plsssss


sorry for the announcement. I didn't mean it like that. (in a offensive way) lots of times people shame mix school girls calling them "sluts" cuz they socialize with boys more than girls scl girls. yes, somehow I was arrogant at that moment I'm very proud of every school I attended. (even that smallest one nobody even know the name of) that day I was stating "according to people my school is the biggest mix school." and the convo went on a bit aggressively, I apologize if I hurt you by any chance. I'm sorry. I regret those words I said. I just posted the announcement cuz the Sivali president was really nice and other Leos were too. the day before that my friend from 'a big girls scl' in Sri Lanka joked about my previous scl. so the announcement went a bit harsh cuz I was angry with her. (she kept saying mix scl girls are sluts (to me specially cuz I have a crush on a boy) 
          I'm sorry again.. would you mind if I delete the announcement or if I keep it? 
          I apologize again. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it offensively to you. I accept that I was toxic when our first convo happened. time changes... I'm still dumb but I'm willing to grow up.
          I'm sorry and I hope you will forgive me.


@misoxie I'm glad to here that nanga!no worries...


@Anna_Shane_01 apologizing made me feel better akke. thank you for forgiving me. we all make mistakes so I guess that's fine. thank you again for making me feel better! 
            (getting some rude messages in secret messages about my old behaviours and my school but indeed your reply made me feel so proud about myself)


@misoxie It's okay,sas. you don't have to apologize. I'm glad to see how much you've changed. it's really nice of you. also I completely agree with your point. many people,especially students in single-gender schools, condemn mix schs, and even some adults also. I don't understand why they feel this way. In my opinion, students in mix schs have more diverse experiences. they know how to socialize with others well,friendly and supportive. as for the stupid girl who joked about your previous school, her behavior reflects a lack of respect and it seems she hasn't learnt 'how to socialize with others' from her big sch.
            You don't need to delete your announcement dr. it's ok. anyway,you're really kind-hearted,sas. I hope everything turns out as you wish in the future. looking back, even I might have been a little rude in that convo, so please forgive me too. I wish you the very best! you're incredibly talented and versatile.It's amazing girl!. keep going, believe me, your mindset is incredibly strong. I know how difficult things have been for you, but you've made it this far. so never give up nangi.  ❤️