So sorry for the hiatus y'all- school was kicking my ass. I'm gonna try to upload a bit more frequently as some of the stories are wrapping up here soon so stay tuned!
So sorry for the hiatus y'all- school was kicking my ass. I'm gonna try to upload a bit more frequently as some of the stories are wrapping up here soon so stay tuned!
Hey everyone! Happy new year and all that jazz! I noticed that from chapters 9 and on that the pictures I had uploaded weren't there so I will be reposting those chapters with the pictures and hopefully uploading a new chapter tonight. Thanks for understanding and happy reading!
Heyo lovelies!! Sorry for the wait but I'm back and alive yes. I will try to post frequently for you but keep in mind i do have a life outside here. Additionally, this project and future ones are to keep my skills in shape so that one day i will be able to create my real dream stories someday soon. Until then, happy reading ️
@jameil123 Yes, I have plans for that story in the near future. Right now I am using this new fanfiction story to help practice and fine tune my writing skills to see where my strengths and weaknesses are. Don't worry, I will be working on it :)
Hey guys, okay so finally done with musical!!! Sadly :(. But that means lots of time to write so what I will do is I will tell you my process. First I write a chapter or two of a story or add to it and keep going from there. Also I will be rewriting different kind of human. Yes I know, but it's my decision and I think you guys might like where I'm deciding where the plot and storyline go. And soon I will update the rest. Don't worry guys okay?
Hey dear I'm a reader of your 'Different kind of Human' Book n literally got annoyed when you took it down.So please update it again.I hope you'll update it soon.:) Thanks!
@lornablack1969 I took off the story for a little bit to rewrite it. I'm making plot changes and trying to be a better writer on my books which is why I'm so slow on updates, my apologies. I'd like to make sure I'm happy with it before I publish it
@AnnabethChase79 as long as we will get to read it again. It's really great and I admire your style. Thank you for replying and best of luck and fortune.
Yes, there will be more 37 days to live and more Nightingale and more Different Kind of Human and etc. I'm getting there but between juggling my hobbies and family stuff, you guys need to understand that it takes time. It will be soon okay just hang in there