
@xxsquirrlz_ I'll post when I have something? XD I don't really have the time and/or gumption to write at present, unfortunately.


hey. i was just wondering if u could take a look at my new story, Harewood crescent? it's about this girl who loves music and she goes on this music trip and falls in love with a guy called steve.But when tradgedy strikes she doesnt know if she really can fall in love with angel.... 
          so pleaz coment, vote, maybe become a fan???... 
          its not finished yet bt all my friends love it and say its really good. 
          i know these can get annoying bt its the only way i can get peeps to read it. These things dont stay on the whats new page for any long. thanks, Amy (: 


o reery, miss annamae? me thinks you be LYING bout youhz's name :P
          hahaha dude i need a favor from you, and genesis too, but since genesis hasn't got her butt on here and made an account yet, i'll have to wait until study hall tomorrow to fill you guys in xD


          i was just wondering if u could take a look at my new story, Harewood crescent? it's about this girl who loves music and she goes on this music trip and falls in love with a guy called steve.But when tradgedy strikes she doesnt know if she really can fall in love with angel.... 
          so pleaz vote...comment? maybe become a fan??? 
          its only the first seven chapters bt all my friends love it and say its really good. 
          i know these can get annoying bt its the only way i can get peeps to read it. These things dont stay on the whats new page for any long. thanks, Amy (: 


Hay I have three poems posted and would really appreciate if you could check them out and vote, comment, or fan! The most recent poem is "Broken" and I think its one of my best yet :) I would really appreciate it, and as always, I'll return the favor!!! Thanks!!!