Ik doe dit ALLEEN NOG EEN KEER omdat ik niks anders te doen heb. @paintedyouwings even dat je het weet
-you have to write five facts about yourself
- it cannot be in the comments or replies
- you have to complete this in a week, or there will be a severe punishment.
- remember to mention these rules
- you cannot back out
-tag 15 people
1. I can't paint without making my clothes dirty. Honestly, I'm wearing jeans right now that were paint-free a few minutes ago. Now he's beautifully red at my knee. My mom loves me. (She's gonna kill me) Love u too mom
2. I can't rap, but I'm alway rapping with the sons from top. It sucks so hard, but I keep doing it. Lol.
3. Now we're talking about music, I'm always SINGING IN THE SHOWER and the kitchen, the car, at school, outside, when we're watching TV... really, my family know songs because I sing them. Not because THEY'RE listening to it. No. Because of me.
3. I talk to myself when I'm alone. In English. Or when I'm walking outside. People are looking at me like I'm an alien when they hear me by accident. Not that that happens a lot, by the way. They usually hear me singing. Or rapping.
4. I'm obsessed with cats.
5. I'm addicted to Ticket To Ride. Say it if you know it. It's a genius board game. Yeah, I'm playing board games. My whole family know that game. How sad.
I already tagged a lot of people. Really, I think it's enough now. Accept from @ paintedyouwings I'm tagging her because we're terrible and yeah I want you to have the sae punishment. U CAN DO IT AGAIN, DUDE! I want facts about nagelschaar.