I’m alive, and my Writer’s block has finally been fought off >:3
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I’m alive, and my Writer’s block has finally been fought off >:3
I’m alive, and my Writer’s block has finally been fought off >:3
kamusta ka lady Annap0lis
hey anna! i really hope we could become moots.. i guess we have 1 thing in common which is were both but.. PLEASE DROP YOUR DISC USER!!! MINE IS BREADCLOWN_
@ButterbowlXD my goodness! I have completelt forgotten about my account here in wattpad HAHAHAH well here is my discord, hope to get to know you more! Anna_Saki
Tbh I forgot this account existed for like, a few months- SORRY!
It's the middle of June, sorry if I was too inactive, school ends in a few more days I think 2 weeks at most, I'll start re editing my books soon, and publishing new ones I've kept drafted. A little update here, uh, I recently broke up with my boyfriend sadly, my parents didn't support our relationship and we both promised each other to try again in the future when my parents aren't controlling my every move. Next school year, I'll be busy, but he I get my free time I'll write books. I've set a planner to make a book and publish it all together. My Welcome New Comers Book and my page as well as my DM's are open for requests of a book or certain chapters That's all thank you all for your patience! Oh and we're almost at 10k for the Secret Girlfriend Book!!
So uh.. Last November was my uh update EHE- A few things for you guys 1. I have a boyfriend now (yaaaayyyyy) 2. I found a co-editor in writing books, and we’ll write together however since school year has yet to end well, the both of us will wait until it does. 3. Good news is my academics are higher than last year I managed to be an honour student for both 1st and 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter ends in a few weeks meaning our school year will either end in May or June. 4. Our president hates me but her friends hate her too yet act like they like her cause she’s toxic af. 5. I have a lot of drafted books here and although I may look like I’m inactive I’m actually peeping in from time to time. And I think that’s mist for the updates, it has been a while. I’m active in discord my discord is Anna #4806 and if you want to add me go on! Thank you all for the support by the way the book “Secret Girlfriend” has reached 8k!!!
*Looks at the date* Hah- OH SHIT I FORGOT TO UPDATE MY BOOK- Okay so so sorry a little update on my life and book ehe... I still love @MayaIspog I forgot to update my book I'm a little focusing more on my studies as a student but I'll still update when I can. I need ideas for chapters cause I slowly left the DSMP fandom already. Working on 2 other books.... Uhhhh I'M DYING?! MY TEACHERS LOVE ME ESPECIALLY MY MATH TEACHER I HATE THIS- I MET UHH LGBTQ+ FRIENDS IN SCHOOL OUR PRESIDENT HATES ME- alright that's it bye bye
For everyone that has discord!! I made an account if you wanna add me here it is! Make sure to drop your account in the replies so I'll know who you are :)) Annap0l1s#4806
Happy 2 years Anniversary to us hahahah I joined here last October 2020 it's been 2 years y'all HAHAHHAHA
3 days after my last post but Imma post again for ahem Updates. I'll do what my wife Maya did. 1. I already finished 1 chapter as promised and am currently working on the 2nd chapter. 2. The reason why I only made 1 chapter this week is because of school work which is a lot and have a lot of groupings these weeks ;-; 3. My hair is shorter than the usual!! 4. I have a crush on someone in my class, and I'm not an oblivious person, it's obvious he's starting to fall for me seriously. 5. Our church had her 3rd year anniversary so yeah big event today. 6. It's been such a rainy week on and off, we live near a huge river and well it rised up but luckily it went down again last Friday. 7. Scratch that, it's been raining since last morning and well life sucks, our village had a 1st alarm earlier, but we dismissed it but packed a few thinfs already just in case, then we heard the 2nd alarm which panicked the rest a bit so we started to pack our stuff and look to where we can evacuate, my friends already evacuated in our school in one of our buildings and their safe now, THEN WE HEARD THE 3RD ALARM WHICH PANICKED EVERYONE AND OUR VILLAGE CHIEF ALREADY FORCED EVACUATED EVERYONE LITERALLY THE STREETS OF OUR VILLAGE IS BASICALLY BARE NO PEOPLE WERE OUTSIDE, YES WE EVACUATED TO ANOTHER CITY WHERE MY MOTHERS SISTER LIVES AND WE'RE STAYING THERE FOR A WHILE SO YES I AM FINE. 8. Currently really tired and all worked up, after the event I only had 2-3 hours of resting then the first alarm which meant I had to pack, I packed 5 bags ;-; 3 bags contained my books, then 1 bag has my essentials then 1 has my clothes, I brought 3 pairs, a t-shirt, 2 pants, 1 shorts and undergarments. So I'm fine as of now but like I just hope that the rain doesn't last a week, cause last time this happened, the house was basically drowning ;-; since we live in a one story house, well- life sucks aHahaha I'm fine don't worry, slowly dying because of school work though (´ . .̫ . `)
@Dreamsmp_Yes_M yes, indeed, the water was 18 meters already when we left ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ but now it's up to 15.5 meters so hopefully it stays as that
@Annap0l1s I'm glad you're doing ok generally, I hope the rain stops where you live and comes over to where I live. We haven't had rain in about a month I think.
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