
We're proud to announce that the Trust & Safety team at Wattpad HQ have released a new Help Center article called the Empathy Project! They've created this to make sure our users have all the information they need to help spread empathy and kindness throughout the platform, and help stop the spread of hate.
          	Ultimately no one in the Wattpad community should post or share anything that could harm others, especially if it targets someone for their race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. On Wattpad, users come from all around the world, and each of us benefits from having a diverse community to learn from. So, please, help spread the love, be aware of others, and exercise your empathy wherever you go.


Hola buenas, necesito vuestra ayuda embajadores. Una historia que estaba leyendo está sufriendo plagio y hate. Incluso le borraron la historia cuando es la real. Se llama Secuestrada por el peligro, este es el usuario de la autora original @Itsbeautifulove . Tenemos un screenshot en donde está la portada original con el nombre de la creadora original debajo. Aquí os dejo el link de la persona que la plagió. Por favor, ayúdenla, ayúdenos a evitar el plagio.


@Annarielle si, vale. Gracias y disculpe las molestias causadas.


@NekoS_W Hola! Cómo ya te comentaron mis compañeros, entendemos tu preocupación y con mucho gusto podemos indicar  los pasos a seguir: Las denuncias por Copyright, de cualquier historia de Wattpad, deben ser realizadas directamente a soporte técnico, mediante un ticket. Es necesario que se adjunten todas las pruebas pertinentes de lo que denuncia para que puedan analizarlas y proceder en consecuencia. En caso de una denuncia interna, el autor es quien debe presentar la denuncia a través de un formulario DMCA. 
            Para más información al respecto, por favor leer este artículo:
            Saludos cordiales.


We're proud to announce that the Trust & Safety team at Wattpad HQ have released a new Help Center article called the Empathy Project! They've created this to make sure our users have all the information they need to help spread empathy and kindness throughout the platform, and help stop the spread of hate.

          Ultimately no one in the Wattpad community should post or share anything that could harm others, especially if it targets someone for their race, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. On Wattpad, users come from all around the world, and each of us benefits from having a diverse community to learn from. So, please, help spread the love, be aware of others, and exercise your empathy wherever you go.


Today is my wattpad anniversary. I’ve been here for 8 years and, to celebrate it, I’ll be reading one story (completed or nearly) from three different people. I can’t promise to do it quick since I’m quite busy, but I’ll do it.
          The lucky ones will be the three first comments with the story link ❤️


@Annarielle congrats! That's awesome!


Dear All, Submissions to join the Ambassador program are now open again. To submit, all you have to do is fill in a form which is located in here - - along with some other information about the Ambassador program. Please make sure you take your time filling that in, but if you have any questions about the Ambassador Program, feel free to Private Message Gavin - @theorangutan - who manages the Ambassadors. Good luck to all our applicants. Regards, The Ambassadors.


WattCon is back for 2018 and it’s better than ever! It’s expanding to two days full of panels, workshops, meet and greets, and more in the heart of NYC. Are you going? Tickets are on sale now. Book early to get a 10% discount: For info on who’s attending and more, visit


Wattpad is testing a new mobile-friendly version of The Clubs and they want your input! We’re trying to be the best place for Wattpad writers to connect with each other, get advice and share their story. Put them to the test here: (Right now, the test does require a second account to login but it will be a Wattpad login soon)