
          	After such a loooooong delay...
          	Chapter One of my new story Chasing Evil, has now been published. I haven't started Chapter Two yet, I'd like people to comment on whether they think the story is viable enough and whether it's interesting enough to keep going.
          	I can't believe I announced this in JULY!!! I'm so sorry you guys! Time clearly slipped away from me.
          	But, I hope you enjoy the chapter.
          	Anndra xxxx


          After such a loooooong delay...
          Chapter One of my new story Chasing Evil, has now been published. I haven't started Chapter Two yet, I'd like people to comment on whether they think the story is viable enough and whether it's interesting enough to keep going.
          I can't believe I announced this in JULY!!! I'm so sorry you guys! Time clearly slipped away from me.
          But, I hope you enjoy the chapter.
          Anndra xxxx


          I have had inspiration! A light bulb moment! My desire to write something has returned!
          A new Pokémon fanfic is now officially in the works!
          It's called "Chasing Evil"
          An alternate universe boyxboy story featuring Diamond, the male protagonist, and Barry. 
          Expect the first chapter in the next couple of weeks. I'm writing it as we speak.
          This'll be darker than my normal stories but I promise it'll be exciting and will keep you on your toes.
          This is not a drill!!!


Hello all my dear followers,
          I feel as though I've let you all down. I keep promising stories or continuing my ongoing story but I've just...Not really been inspired lately. We're near the end of April and I haven't done anything since August. So, I'm very sorry. 
          I keep getting ideas in my head but I'm struggling to put those ideas into a story. I really am hoping to start writing again. I just...need to find that star to hook, if you understand what I mean.
          I'm very sorry again and I appreciate you all sticking with me.
          Love you all and stay safe xxxxx


@ AnndraMichealMacRae  Well it is more importent that you dont over work your self 
            And so stay safe and healthy 
            And wenn you do find the time and insperation to write agin i will happaly read your stories


Hey everyone,
          I hope you've all been well. It's mid-November already, I can't believe it!!! 
          I'm sorry I've been quiet for months. My new job keeps me busy and my days are longer so, I just haven't been feeling it these days.
          I really do want to finish When We Crossed Paths. I will get to it.
          I also would like to write a Christmas Pokémon fanfic again so, if anyone has any requests for what characters you'd like then I'd love to hear.
          Stay Safe everyone!
          Anndra xxxxxx


@AnndraMichealMacRae ola, I'm glad you're doing well at work, good luck with that


@ AnndraMichealMacRae  I think a sequel sunds very intersting but if this to much work a new story is also good


@Sparky250702 that seems to be the popular opinion. Now, if that's what I went with, I'd need to decide whether to make it a sequel to my Ash x Gou story, or a completely new one. A new story would probably be easier but always like to gauge the opinion of the people who'd be reading it 
            Yeah, it's fun. Soooo much hard work though hahaha 


OLAA I made a drawing of when we crossed paths and I wanted to ask how to send it to you


@AngelousTyran Hiya,
            Aw wow! that's so amazing. Uhm... I'm not quite sure. 
            What kind of drawing is it? Did you draw it by hand? Or was it done digitally? 


Hi everyone,
          I'm sorry but there will be a delay to the next chapter of "When We Crossed Paths" 
          Things have been crazy. The past couple of weeks have been proper insane and intense.
          The short story is:
          I applied for a great job back in November 2021, I got interviewed but was unsuccessful but would keep me on a reserve list. A couple of weeks ago, they called me out of the blue and asked if I was still interested in the job. I, very quickly, said yes. I had to go through a lot of paperwork and pre-employment checks (references, disclosure etc.) and as of last week, it's all been confirmed and I officially start next week. Last week and this week have and will be super busy as I have to train my replacement at my soon to be old job. I seriously can't wait to leave this awful job and awful company. It was stressful, the people at HQ were nasty and it was making me ill.
          Anyway, I will continue the story and I will finish it. There just might be a couple of weeks gap as I transition from my old job to my new job. Plus, I feel that the last couple of chapters have been rushed and lazy so, perhaps this is a good thing.
          Anyway, I appreciate, as I always do, your support and patience.
          Thank you so much again.
          Anndra xxxx


@ AnndraMichealMacRae  I'm glad to hear that you will have a better job now! I really enjoyed the last chapters and didn't feel like they were rushed, but you as the author might see it from a different perspective, and it's important that you enjoy your work too. So it's definitely a good decision to delay the next chapter a bit!


@Sparky250702 Thank you so much. I'm so excited. I finish on Friday (3 days to go) and then start my new job on Monday but, that's fine. I'm happy with that :D


@ AnndraMichealMacRae  
            congrats to the new job and good lucke 
            I hop you have some moments to relax in your stressful weeks 


Hi guys,
          The next chapter of When We Crossed Paths will be delayed by about a week.
          Work has been absolutely awful and I've just not had a chance to write the next chapter. I promise I'll get it done ASAP. Hopefully before next Monday but it looks like that's when it'll be.
          I'm sorry about this and I appreciate your understanding and support as always.
          Anndra xxx


@Sparky250702 Possibly. I'll just have to wait and see what happens haha


@ AnndraMichealMacRae  
            well mabye reading the story will help with the decision


@Sparky250702 Ah I see. Well, I've got the next chapter ready for tomorrow.
            The issue that I'm having is where I want the story to go. Usually when I write my stories, I have an ending in mind. Usually I already have the final chapter written. But now I'm not sure I want that ending so, I now need to decide what I'm going to do 


Hi again guys,
          I am writing this message from Albania . I am here for my holidays.
          I don't return to Scotland until tomorrow (Monday) so, the next chapter of "When We Crossed Paths" might be delayed again.
          I know I keep doing this. I'm sorry I do. I'm usually pretty strict with myself. Obviously past couple of weeks have been non-stop.
          I will get back on track, I promise.
          Thanks again for your continued support and patience.
          Anndra  xxx


Hey guys,
          The next chapter of When We Crossed Paths is still being written.
          My apologies for it being late. Work has just been hectic. The joys of being an adult with responsibilities at work.
          I will hopefully have it finished and published tonight.
          Thank you for your continued patience and support 
          Anndra xxx


          Hey guys,
          Happy New Year to you all. I hope you's all had a lovely end to 2021. Here's to a better 2022.
          Well, I'm letting you all know that I've been writing a new story with the 1st chapter being published on Monday 10th January. This story will be updated every subsequent Monday.
          Now, this story is not a fanfic. It's actually an original story. I know last time I tried this it didn't work out and I should probably stick to what I'm good at but I want to try again. If this story tanks then it won't be a big deal. I'll just stick to my boy x boy fanfics cause I do quite enjoy writing them.
          Anyway, this story had been going round my head for a while and I decided to write it down. I've called it:
          When We Crossed Paths
          It is a boy x boy story so, it's still gay XD I actually took inspiration from the Anime Crossing Time. Except obviously the characters and story are completely original.
          The story follows Yamashita Hideki as he tells you about a moment in his life. He is narrating this past event. Obviously, Yamashita Hideki isn't based on a real person. Any similarities is purely coincidental 
          I just wanted to try a new writing style and see how it went. We shall see.
          OK, I've droned enough.
          I hope you'll enjoy it! Also, I drew the front cover so, please be forgiving Hahaha. 
          Anndra xxx