
Dear Wattpaders,
          	After a ginormous amount of time, I have finally mustered up the courage to post something on Wattpad. It is a fanfiction about Draco Malfoy. If you guys  ship Drarry and enjoy a bit of AU, then you may like my fanfic. 
          	Here's the link:
          	Also make sure to check out my dear friend's first completed novel titled 'Sorainella'. It's an original and wonderful fantasy/adventure story and I couldn't put it down until I had finished it. 
          	Do show her some of your love.
          	Happy reading y'all,


Dear Wattpaders,
          After a ginormous amount of time, I have finally mustered up the courage to post something on Wattpad. It is a fanfiction about Draco Malfoy. If you guys  ship Drarry and enjoy a bit of AU, then you may like my fanfic. 
          Here's the link:
          Also make sure to check out my dear friend's first completed novel titled 'Sorainella'. It's an original and wonderful fantasy/adventure story and I couldn't put it down until I had finished it. 
          Do show her some of your love.
          Happy reading y'all,


(Please read this, it is important and it could help a lot of people in India)
          Dear Wattpaders,
          Clearly I'm not someone who's very popular on this site and any message I post will most probably be ignored...and I'm not being self-depreciative. I'm just stating the truth and I don't blame anybody for that, really (I do it too). 
          But this time, I urge you all to not ignore my message. To people who don't know, I live in India and my country re-criminalised homosexuality back in 2013. A politician named Shashi Tharoor attempted to bring forth a private bill for the amendment of Article 377 in our constitution (an extremely discriminatory archaic law which punishes anything that isn't vaginal intercourse) but sadly, this bill was voted against. So instead of waiting around for passing another bill, Shashi Tharoor started a petition on for the decriminalisation of homosexuality. Many of you must be aware of this site. Those who aren't, it's a place that allows you to draft a petition to an authority (which in this case is India's PM Narendra Modi) regarding any issue you feel is negatively affecting anybody.
          I think you've figured out what the gist of this message is. Yes, the link below is for the very same petition started by Shashi Tharoor. I'm just spreading the word around.  You just need to click on the link and put your name and email (you can sign if you're not from India). That's all. It takes two minutes. And I don't think I need to give reasons as to why y'all should sign this. Unless you feel that everybody shouldn't have the right to love whoever they want, there's absolutely no reason for guys to not sign this.
          I'm not begging anyone to sign this. But if you care, please do so.  



@meesameesa No problem haha I'm just spreading the message around. I just hope people sign it tho. The problem is that most of the people aren't heartless or homophobic...they're just too lazy to click the link and sign it. If you signed it thank you! At the risk of sounding like a campaign ad, do spread the word around!


@AnneHawthorne Thanks for bringing this my attention  this is so important. 