
In Between Days is now for sale on Amazon!   
          	If you loved the story and are now sad, let me know IN AUGUST. I am giving my Wattpad readers free ebooks in exchange for reviews. I don't want anyone to lose a story they loved. Message me for details.


*waltz in*
          Can you please check my book
          "Heart's desire" pretty please *pouting*
          Thank you
          *grabs some chocolates and slams the door shut*


My Dear, how are u doing, it’s obvious that You are a woman with a difference,very exceptional and beautiful,I am helplessly attracted by your beauty and it will be my pleasure if I get know more about you,who knows we might be good friends to meet some day,regards.


That’s interesting I will surely do,have a wonderful day 


There's a documentary airing on France 4 tonight (23:30): "Fanfiction: ce que l'auteur a oublié écrire" (Fanfiction: what the author forgot to write). It features me and some of my students as well as authors Christina Lauren (Beautiful Bastard) and Jacqueline Lichtenberg, who are in Fic. The second half is about fanfiction in France, its legal challenges and educational potential. Lots about Wattpad and Anna Todd, too. It's all in French for now, but if you know French and can get France 4, you can watch it. Here's a story from Le Monde: 


I'll be talking about fanfiction and fanfiction going pro on the radio again today (Wisconsin Public Radio, 4:15 Central time). AFTER and Wattpad are sure to come up. I only have a couple of hours, but message me with questions or comments and I'll see what I can do.  (note: I won't be able to talk about your story!)
          Info here:


I was on NPR the other day talking about fanfiction in this story about After, @imaginator1D, and Wattpad.  (international folks: NPR is National Public Radio here in the States).


@AnneJamison2 I know some people are very mad about "After" (mostly One Direction kids, who I explained to on Twitter that these guys are millionaire celebrities and probably aren't even remotely angry at Anna Todd. They seem to have this idea that One Direction would beat her up at some award show. Yeah. Life doesn't work that way.) However, yes I think it's cool that a fanfiction on Wattpad got a billion hits. It's very impressive. I read a little of it and it's not my cup of tea but I tend to look at it as a good achievement for desktop publishing. Great literature? Probably not. However, if you look past that, it's very impressive.