Anne of that Erica chick is saying that your other followers are ruining your stories maybe you ought to tell her leave her comments to herself. no one is gonna wanna leave a comment if someone doesn't like what someone else says all the time. I don't want to leave comments anymore because of that

@StacyMclane I was bullied all my life as well threw school at the work place a was also jumped because of a football game and who's team I was wearing their sweat shirt for. So I know about bullying I was also bullied by the anesthesiaologist when I got my shoulder surgery. He lied to me three times talking to him and also pushed the surgeon under the bus. So I know about being bullied. I don't trust people period because of being lied too and especially anesthesiaologist. So that's my story

@StacyMclane I think I found your confusion in my comment. When I said “guys ruin everything” I was talking about the characters in the story not the people commenting. And as far as leaving comments it’s beneficial to the writer to receive honest feedback on the chapters not only the good but the bad as well is all I was saying. I have never attacked another readers posts and I never would that’s not the point. Especially when this is supposed to be a community for writers and readers so sorry if you misunderstood what I was saying.

@StacyMclane That's why I wrote the story "Bullied and hurt", that is my personal Bullying story. Everything that happened in that story, happened to me too ( except for the ending )