
I've been noticing that the comments aren't progressing which is a shame since you guys are missing real Bechloe moments... So, if you like to read Bechloe moments in my current Bechloe story, go to the latest chapter and leave a comment. That way I can actually post the next chapter and continue with the story. It could've been almost at the end by now but during the lack of comments, the story has been going slow. People who were reading my stories ( always telling me how much they like my stories or that they have notification when I post a new chapter ), aren't leaving a comment at all anymore. It's actually funny that some can comment on my messages on my page, but not on my story because in my eyes it doesn't seem so hard to leave a small comment ( positive or negative ).


Anne of that Erica chick is saying that your other followers are ruining your stories maybe you ought to tell her leave her comments to herself. no one is gonna wanna leave a comment if someone doesn't like what someone else says all the time. I don't want to leave comments anymore because of that 


@StacyMclane I was bullied all my life as well threw school at the work place a was also jumped because of a football game and who's team I was wearing their sweat shirt for. So I know about bullying I was also bullied by the anesthesiaologist when I got my shoulder surgery. He lied to me three times talking to him and also pushed the surgeon under the bus. So I know about being bullied. I don't trust people period because of being lied too and especially anesthesiaologist. So that's my story


@StacyMclane I think I found your confusion in my comment. When I said “guys ruin everything” I was talking about the characters in the story not the people commenting. And as far as leaving comments it’s beneficial to the writer to receive honest feedback on the chapters not only the good but the bad as well is all I was saying. I have never attacked another readers posts and I never would that’s not the point. Especially when this is supposed to be a community for writers and readers so sorry if you misunderstood what I was saying. 


@StacyMclane That's why I wrote the story "Bullied and hurt", that is my personal Bullying story. Everything that happened in that story, happened to me too ( except for the ending )


I've been noticing that the comments aren't progressing which is a shame since you guys are missing real Bechloe moments... So, if you like to read Bechloe moments in my current Bechloe story, go to the latest chapter and leave a comment. That way I can actually post the next chapter and continue with the story. It could've been almost at the end by now but during the lack of comments, the story has been going slow. People who were reading my stories ( always telling me how much they like my stories or that they have notification when I post a new chapter ), aren't leaving a comment at all anymore. It's actually funny that some can comment on my messages on my page, but not on my story because in my eyes it doesn't seem so hard to leave a small comment ( positive or negative ).


Dear readers, only 1 comment more on my latest chapter and I can post chapter 20 of From Sadness to Happiness. Chapter 20 will be the start of pp, so from there it's a little bit more Bechloe moments ( shower scene, the Bella's, Just a dream x Just the way you are and there will be a kiss ). 


@ Wendihartley  for what?


@Wendihartley Did you comment on chapter 19 of From sadness to happiness?


And there are still not enough comments on the chapter, so I cannot post today... Three weeks without a new chapter and it has been like that before... I don't want to write a message every week for you to understand that I need a minimum of 4 comments on a chapter. I have been saying that too many times already... The longer there is no 4th comment, the longer it takes to have Bechloe and trust me, they're coming!


@AnneMiley And I'll comment so you have your 4th comment 


@AnneMiley I really enjoyed reading all your Bechloe fics 


@chill0r I havent been able to translate further to be honest. I have written the whole story in my own language: Dutch, so I have to translate it in English first, but I will see what I can do


Dear readers of my Bechloe stories. I am very sad to have to write another post, but I have no choice. As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in weeks, this is due to not enough comments. I have already indicated several times that votes alone are not enough for me to post a new chapter, I am interested in comments. There must be at least 4 and if so far responses are stuck at 3. I understand very well that you get frustrated when there are little or no Bechloe moments, but if you are patient and remain patient, you would have noticed that those Bechloe moments are very be close.
          Since I haven't been able to post at least more than 5 chapters, and I feel like these notifications I'm writing aren't helping, I'm starting to doubt if Bechloe is still that popular. Many readers no longer read my Bechloe stories or are completely gone from Wattpad. Would it be wise to pause my story for a moment? But when I do that, as I have done before, readers keep coming back to tell me how much they like my stories and that I should start posting again, so I don't really know what to do anymore...
          I will tell you that in chapter 20 Bechloe will be more regular in the story, maybe that will help you to read and respond? Because honestly, I just don't want to stop posting or writing for Bechloe. Hopefully you'll be willing to comment now, because like I said before, Bechloe moments are near.


@AnneMiley im happy to hear that and be a helping hand whenever u need it


@Peanutboy18 thank you for this reaction, I really needed this. To know you love my stories is amazing. I hope I can continue to post soon, because it's a good story


@AnneMiley I think that u should do u and fyi I LOVE all the stories sometimes people get caught up in life or other things but never doubt that we come back eventually to continue the story or at least me


Dear readers of my Bechloe story. Please, don't forget to leave a comment to my chapters. As of now, you've already missed like 5 chapters that I couldn't post because of the lack of comments. I get that it's frustrated it takes this long for Bechloe to happen, but as all my stories they will be together eventually. It's slow burn, like all my Bechloe stories, just don't give up reading because then you'll never get to see them together and I'm forced to pause the whole story.


Dear readers, just to let you know that by the last chapter of: From sadness to happiness, it seems like there are 7 comments but there's only 3 ( from different readers and without answers ). That's the reason the new chapter didn't got posted last Tuesday because there are no 4 comments from different readers.