
Hello fellow wattpaders :) I hope everyone is in the pink of health at this moment and the future. My condolences for those that had lost their loved one/s in the case of covid-19. In Italy, I heard there had been 2,000 deaths already. :( My country will have a lockdown(?) for two, nearing three weeks starting from today. (Gosh, school holiday extended for almost three weeks! Boring..)
          	Drink lots of plain water, don't go outside frequently... Would be so much better if you guys didn't go out at all. Wash your hands before touching your face. Use sanitizer. Don't sit in groups, don't touch anything?!?! Get away from a sick person asap, even if that person is your oh-so best friend. If they noticed and feel offended, well.. you know what to do.
          	In my country, there had been two deaths already. (Yesterday.) I'm also a little sick right now.. (Maybe) fever and minor headache since yesterday. Okay, take care :). @jhsung- @Its_SugaryDiamonds.


@Its_SugaryDiamonds okay my fellow friend uwu meet you in our dm


@Its_SugaryDiamonds that sucks.. :/ but right now I'm okay uwu


Miss uuu


@Its_SugaryDiamonds isokay I hate you too ;w;


Hello fellow wattpaders :) I hope everyone is in the pink of health at this moment and the future. My condolences for those that had lost their loved one/s in the case of covid-19. In Italy, I heard there had been 2,000 deaths already. :( My country will have a lockdown(?) for two, nearing three weeks starting from today. (Gosh, school holiday extended for almost three weeks! Boring..)
          Drink lots of plain water, don't go outside frequently... Would be so much better if you guys didn't go out at all. Wash your hands before touching your face. Use sanitizer. Don't sit in groups, don't touch anything?!?! Get away from a sick person asap, even if that person is your oh-so best friend. If they noticed and feel offended, well.. you know what to do.
          In my country, there had been two deaths already. (Yesterday.) I'm also a little sick right now.. (Maybe) fever and minor headache since yesterday. Okay, take care :). @jhsung- @Its_SugaryDiamonds.


@Its_SugaryDiamonds okay my fellow friend uwu meet you in our dm


@Its_SugaryDiamonds that sucks.. :/ but right now I'm okay uwu


@Its_SugaryDiamonds yeahh.. :^ basically just want to keep on updating for the chapters in Tip of Blood... currently making an anime ship fanfic that have lots of informations about flowers and many sad parts -w- but it probably won't be published in the future, just my personal book in the draft only. Do you have any future plan? :0


Omg! You have a book called "more than a dream"?!?! Ha! Coincidence or what? I just finished composing a song called "Just A Dream" hahaha wut


I just make songs,I don't post yet, I have to ask my friends on what they think about the songs first


Hahaha no. Not yet