
          	Long time no read. I feel like I always say this when I decided to throw out an announcement. Truth is, though I've been lurking on here from time to time, I haven't been very active on Wattpad lately.
          	As you might've noticed, there's also no longer a badge on my profile, which means I have left the Ambassadors team. There are no hard feelings or anything here, just me wanting to focus on other projects and having other priorities right now. I was an Ambassador for five and a half years and was fortunate enough to meet many amazing people and make friends, get involved in a lot of exciting projects and campaigns and work with some of the staff.  In a way, it's the end of an era. 
          	That being said, I might or might not have picked up 'The Kiss of Winter' again. No promises though if it will ever come back to Wattpad. I know it's my only story that is somewhat popular on here but I think it's also the one that is most marketable so I might just be working on it offline and try to query it... someday. Whenever that day may come. 
          	I've also been reading, off Wattpad. I have a taaaal tbr-pile sitting on my shelf and have been slowly working on it. If you're interested in seeing what I've been reading, swing by my goodreads, let's be reading friends. 
          	And finally, there's some news regarding design and art on my side, but more on that at a later point, I've already exhausted everyone enough with this life update no one asked for. 
          	Stay safe, everyone


Heyhast du das Cover von „Dont find me mate von @MaritaDarling gemacht?


@OmbraNera21 Ich benutzte Photoshop und Clip Studio Paint.


@AnnieRosebud das ist ja cool.  Mit welcher App machst du das denn?


@OmbraNera21 Habe ich tatsächlich, ebenso die für  'Gentle Butterfly' und 'Die Arroganz des Wolfes'.


Hey, ich habe deine Covers bei einigen meiner Lieblingsautoreb gesehen und bin... geflasht! xD
          Wäre es irgendwie möglich noch ein Cover zu bekommen oder nicht? 
          VG :)


@AnnieRosebud Das ist wirklich schade bei deinem Talent, aber kann man ja jetzt nichts machen. Ich danke dir trotzdem! 
            GVLG <3


@wort_suechtige Hallo, ich bin mittlerweile nicht mehr sehr aktiv auf Wattpad und mache auch keine Cover mehr für andere User aber ich freue mich trotzdem, dass dir meine Cover gefallen :)


          Long time no read. I feel like I always say this when I decided to throw out an announcement. Truth is, though I've been lurking on here from time to time, I haven't been very active on Wattpad lately.
          As you might've noticed, there's also no longer a badge on my profile, which means I have left the Ambassadors team. There are no hard feelings or anything here, just me wanting to focus on other projects and having other priorities right now. I was an Ambassador for five and a half years and was fortunate enough to meet many amazing people and make friends, get involved in a lot of exciting projects and campaigns and work with some of the staff.  In a way, it's the end of an era. 
          That being said, I might or might not have picked up 'The Kiss of Winter' again. No promises though if it will ever come back to Wattpad. I know it's my only story that is somewhat popular on here but I think it's also the one that is most marketable so I might just be working on it offline and try to query it... someday. Whenever that day may come. 
          I've also been reading, off Wattpad. I have a taaaal tbr-pile sitting on my shelf and have been slowly working on it. If you're interested in seeing what I've been reading, swing by my goodreads, let's be reading friends. 

          And finally, there's some news regarding design and art on my side, but more on that at a later point, I've already exhausted everyone enough with this life update no one asked for. 
          Stay safe, everyone


Hello hello, 
          Exciting news, Wattpad now has a text to speech feature, pretty cool, right? I've enabled it for both 'Wolf Heart' and 'Amaranthine'. So you can now listen to both these stories. I've already spent half the day yesterday doing just that. 
          If you'd like to enable the feature on your stories as well, you can add the #texttospeech hashtag to your story and a little player should appear at the top of each of your chapters just a little while after. 
          For more information, check out this link:
          Have you tried the feature yet? What do you think? Do you like it?


Oh, vielen Dank! *_*


@Aelin0Galathynius Also, wenn du am PC bist, sollte, wenn du ein Kapitel öffnest, oben unter der Überschrift so ein kleiner Play-Button auftauchen und wenn du da drauf klickst, lädt es erstmal ein bisschen aber dann sollte eine weibliche Stimme anfangen, vorzulesen. 
            Ich weiß nicht, ob es schon in der App geht, aber ich konnte es heute morgen auch auf meinem Android Handy schon anhören, kann aber sein, dass es dort noch nicht für alle verfügbar ist.


Also, wie kann ich mir deine Geschichten anhören? Hab's grad probiert und irgendwie nichts gefunden xd