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@Annie_the_angel If it helps some, sites say that the only things that get taken are your email, password, bio, geographic location, birthday and any website that you link in your account gets pwned. I’ve been doing a bunch of research since I’ve been pwned (most being on Twitter) and that’s all that shows up. I don’t think this is information that people can do anything with but if you want to take proaction, I recommend changing your email and password for your email and then changing it on here. They can’t use this against you as I stated, It’s pretty much useless information because nobody takes this fucking app seriously, let’s be real lol. I overreacted a bit when I originally made my post about this (hence why I took it down) because I was scared, but I promise you the information they have is worth jack shit and they can’t do anything with it. We’re all safe from the information I’ve gathered (wether it be through Twitter or through friends who have also been pwned) so no worries. Hopefully this helps a bit.