
I miss you so much Annie. People on here might not think I do because I haven't been posting anything in the 'Communication' section of your main account, but I would if I could. Wattpad won't let me follow your main account, or post in the communication, or p.m to that one, that's why I've been so silent. And I don't even know if this message will reach you, but I hope and pray that it will, and that everyone else's messages will reach you as well.
          I really do miss you, Annie. I've never once forgotten you.
          You were, still are, and forever will be one of my best friends. And I'm so glad that I could actually do something right for once and manage to cheer you up when you were upset. And I know that you would have always been there for me, and for that, I am so grateful. I love you. You're one of my best friends, Annie.
          I'll never forget you! ❤


Wow... It's been over a year since you passed....
          I miss you so much Annie. You have inspired me, as well as others, to not give up when times are tough, and you were, and still are, loved by many.
          You will forever hold a place in my heart. I didn't know you long, but you're a great friend, and I'm so glad I got the chance to know you.
          Maybe one day, we'll finally meet. In the afterlife, if you're reborn, somewhere, anywhere.
          But if not, you'll always be in my heart anyway.
          And I'll continue to love you as a fantastic friend, and a wonderful person forever.
          I love you and miss you so much. I hope that wherever you are now, you're happy, and re-united with your sister and other family that have passed. I hope you're in no pain anymore.
          Once again, love you. Now and forever. ❤