
My newest YA paranormal novel 'Imprint' is now available on all amazon kindle stores. Just search my author name 'Annmarie McQueen' to find it. And for these three days only you can get it for free!


Wow! So when is your birthday, and how old are you? I'll definitely check out your website, but I don't have Facebook so I can't subscribe to the fanpage, unfortunately =(
          That means a lot to me, so thank you. And also, thanks so much for fanning me, I really appreciate it <3


10th March 2012 :) I originally wanted to publish it earlier, but it's safer to do it after my birthday for the sake of tax and stuff. There's a sample of the first few chapters of Imprint up on my website ( and you can subscribe to the Cold Water fanpage on facebook to get a reminder when it is released. And thank you, it makes ME feel elated to be conversing with such a lovely fellow reader/writer :)