
I am enjoying the story very much. I like the fact that you wrote the group dynamics like I always thought it would progress in my head. It just makes sense that both groups with each other on a deeper level. I also like the flow of the story, separately from the story line.   My reading got interrupted because we're in the midst of a blackout.


@Anon123mous  I love the ensemble and try hard to embody how the characters were portrayed. Although writing scenes when everyone is present is challenging. I know people want PremWad focus but I like when I see other couples through someone else's perspective. And thank you for the follow. :) It helps when I make announcements.


Hi. Are you still here?


@moong_dang I hope so too, and your grammar is just fine, considering. I'll try to reach out to her again. Also, it was nice to meet you too.


@moong_dang ahhh , I hope she okay and can continue her story. I'm sorry if my grammar is bad , because English is not my first language. I look for her everywhere.. thank youuuu and nice to meet youuu


@moong_dang You're not bothering me. Yes, I am, although I haven't heard from her in quite a while.


I am enjoying the story very much. I like the fact that you wrote the group dynamics like I always thought it would progress in my head. It just makes sense that both groups with each other on a deeper level. I also like the flow of the story, separately from the story line.   My reading got interrupted because we're in the midst of a blackout.


@Anon123mous  I love the ensemble and try hard to embody how the characters were portrayed. Although writing scenes when everyone is present is challenging. I know people want PremWad focus but I like when I see other couples through someone else's perspective. And thank you for the follow. :) It helps when I make announcements.