Me, at orientation: "help im socially inept be my friend pls"
(Jk it actually went very well! I'm in love with the school and the people are great, so my suggestion is to just put yourself out there and have fun because it's totally like you're not gonna see these people again (except, y'know, you probably are).)
Alriiiiighty, coming soon:
-Reza Ali, a bitchy ghost that lives through other people (and if she kisses somebody, they die. That's what made her a ghost)
-Lars Mato, a skeleton that loves to tromBONE (jkjk but he actually loved the trombone in high school and hates that pun but he's a punny guy so he wants love, and maybe he likes tromBONING people tooo but I mean)
-And my dudes from Bear The Sea (in my book 'Elemental') are coming! I need to transfer two over, and the third will be up in a time. I dunno what time, but A time.
Also I need to break more into OC books and stuff (and people) and get to a few replies, but please be patient! I'm going to my most favorite place on earth for vacation, so I get very inspired with my art haha--I'll get to things very soon though! :D