
Guess who keeps goofing and being estúpida and accidentally clicking the 'publish' button instead of the 'save' button???
          	THIS GAL.
          	I'm sorry for the confusion! I have a whole bundle of "new" (I say new but I made the idea in November smh) characters and I'm publishing two of them tonight to make up for the lack of updates and the confusion :p I'm also adding in two other characters, because 9 is my favorite number and Swan Lake is great. 
          	You guys like fairytales? Curses? Magic? The end of the world as we know it?
          	(Yeah, me too.)
          	Then check out the book literally months in the process (of doing nothing with xD), Fables and Falsehoods lol (which will also be tied in somehow with the beautiful @PurelyLiterate 's Gladiators....somehow haha)


@Anon_therone estúpida.... i love when u talk dirty in spanish :")))))


@-NEFELIBATAS lmao that existential dread, right? xD
          	  (don't let it seep in. don't let it seep in...)
          	  "Sort of love" lol same


Guess who keeps goofing and being estúpida and accidentally clicking the 'publish' button instead of the 'save' button???
          THIS GAL.
          I'm sorry for the confusion! I have a whole bundle of "new" (I say new but I made the idea in November smh) characters and I'm publishing two of them tonight to make up for the lack of updates and the confusion :p I'm also adding in two other characters, because 9 is my favorite number and Swan Lake is great. 
          You guys like fairytales? Curses? Magic? The end of the world as we know it?
          (Yeah, me too.)
          Then check out the book literally months in the process (of doing nothing with xD), Fables and Falsehoods lol (which will also be tied in somehow with the beautiful @PurelyLiterate 's Gladiators....somehow haha)


@Anon_therone estúpida.... i love when u talk dirty in spanish :")))))


@-NEFELIBATAS lmao that existential dread, right? xD
            (don't let it seep in. don't let it seep in...)
            "Sort of love" lol same


IMPORTANT NOTICE: The old Genie profile pic is gone. And the screaming in the background photo.
          I dunno, I'm not sure if I'm feeling this new 'a e s t h e t i c' (as the cool kids say lmao, jkjk)--I'm playing around with it. Don't be startled, it's still me haha.
          Also I'm adding my favorite OC books to the 'Babes' list, and I'm not nearly done (but I gotta sleep). Please excuse me while I clean the dust off this old-aśs account lmao.
          New characters (and old ones) coming.


@godstars A E S T H E T I C™ lmao, fair enough xD
            Aaaand thank youuuuuu :D I'm still playing around but this fits better I think, idk! And I'm still chugging away lmao


            W O A H 
            A E S T H E T I C™
            i love it Giiiii <3 can't wait for your new babs!!


Quick update: first character from Bear the Sea's up, Nereia--I finally transferred her over!
          The other two, the Golden Boy, Nasser; and the spunky cyborg, they're both going to be up soon! Those are the three planned for that world, but if I have any minor characters I may add, I'll probably put them in too.
          And I still have Lars I need to add, and the fallen angel Lucius Glen. 
          Also, buried under the 4 OC books, I have a book of short stories--featuring some stuff by Reza (the ghost) and Bes (the cursed machine-sidekick lol) so far, but more will be coming as well. :D


Me, at orientation: "help im socially inept be my friend pls"
          (Jk it actually went very well! I'm in love with the school and the people are great, so my suggestion is to just put yourself out there and have fun because it's totally like you're not gonna see these people again (except, y'know, you probably are).)
          Alriiiiighty, coming soon:
          -Reza Ali, a bitchy ghost that lives through other people (and if she kisses somebody, they die. That's what made her a ghost)
          -Lars Mato, a skeleton that loves to tromBONE (jkjk but he actually loved the trombone in high school and hates that pun but he's a punny guy so he wants love, and maybe he likes tromBONING people tooo but I mean)
          -And my dudes from Bear The Sea (in my book 'Elemental') are coming! I need to transfer two over, and the third will be up in a time. I dunno what time, but A time.
          Also I need to break more into OC books and stuff (and people) and get to a few replies, but please be patient! I'm going to my most favorite place on earth for vacation, so I get very inspired with my art haha--I'll get to things very soon though! :D


          -Wisdom teeth out, I'm not as Jay Leno as expected (with the jaw lol). My sister had it worse off lol, she was the Crimson Chin TM. So yay milkshakes, being in bed, and writing up stuff for rps!
          -I'm thinking of doing a mini group rp for the OC-making community! It's based off American Gods, a bit? Idk?
          -Also making my big group rp on my main account, with EEEVERYTHING. I-movie still sucks lol.
          -Anybody know Night Mind on Youtube? Random question lol (even though this is going out to less than 10 people haha)
          -Aaaand yeah :D Mo' characters, mo' problems, mo' time for me in the next few days :p


Updated update: I spoke too soon. Jay Leno would be proud. I cri.
            I need more covfefe lolol


Well, this account is kinda/sorta sparse and empty, so I'm talking to the air rn lol xD BUT does anybody around watch Sense8 (for when/if this account gathers up some love lol)
          (Great show btw, I highly recommend it. A+ editing)
          Also! I've been transferring and tweaking some old characters I thought up a while back; expect to see:
          -(cursed)an "everyman" who's a demigod cursed by Hera so everybody forgets him moments after they see him, 
          -(lost)a confused modern-day samurai who saved Queens and NYC once...and is now wondering what happens after a hero saves the world
          -(monster)An angel who had séx with the seelie fairy queen long ago--and he became a fallen angel because of it
          -(elemental) a prince of fire who's not ready to be king
          -(elemental-transferring over) the lost heir of water, who's become a member of the army--and is involved with many things he doesn't know about
          I'm also going to be making a book explaining the world(s) most of my characters live in! Expect a lot of stuff on an urban, magical NYC btw!


@arcticmilli Oh dang I forgot to reply to this from forever ago lol
          Kool-Aid is an older thing--I haven't heard of it for years lol, but it's a powdered substance that flavors water. Sh*t's nasty, yo
          Aaaaand back to Undertale we go xD But I can see it haha
          Basically, for the commercials of it, the Kool-Aid man (a giant jug of it lol) breaks through walls and is like oH YEAH
          I think xD