
I apologize for the long overdue update, I have been writing I promise! chapter 25&26 are up& I will be updating very soon. Trying to get ahead of schedule like I used to be so bear with me, love yall!


HAPPY MAY THE 4th (yes I am a Star Wars nerd). Chapter 24 is up finally. I hope you enjoy this one. A little bit of spice to hold you over because it will probably the last spicy chapter for a little while but fear not! You won’t have to wait forever lol. I’ll have another chapter up for you in 2 weeks


Sorry for the late update but I am back. I’ve been trying to write and have been in a struggle. I lost my uncle tragically and unexpectedly back in February and I haven’t been quite the same since but I will be posting a new chapter this Friday and will be back on schedule after that!