
this message may be offensive
I *finally* finished the drawing for Chapter 5 of Y/N’s Rather Odd Quest! I had wanted to add it at the same time as when the chapter came out, but shit happened. In any case chapter 5 is now truly complete! 
          	Go check out the drawing I made if you haven’t already, and let me know what you think! 


Heya There


@Anonson69420 well glad you now know what it's called 


@Titan_Tvman_0782 oh I’ve used that before, didn’t know that it was called that. 


@Anonson69420 well it's an old feature and it Work's by using the @ which can automatically spawn in any person's username you'd like to add into the comment 


this message may be offensive
I *finally* finished the drawing for Chapter 5 of Y/N’s Rather Odd Quest! I had wanted to add it at the same time as when the chapter came out, but shit happened. In any case chapter 5 is now truly complete! 
          Go check out the drawing I made if you haven’t already, and let me know what you think! 


Please continue "The Prototype of Hell"


@Hollow-Wraith I will at some point, but right now it’s sitting on the back burner. Especially since I have other stories I want to write first. 
            Currently, I’m working on an Adventure Time x JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure crossover that might interest you. I plan on finishing that book first (which will take a while) before moving onto finishing and/or rewriting my other stories. 
            As for The Prototype of Hell, I plan on rewriting it. I’m not happy with how the original story is basically one large shitpost with bits of a larger plot sprinkled in. I want to do the story Justice by remaking it with my current, significantly improved writing skills in mind. But for the moment it will stay on hiatus. 
            Don’t worry, the original version of the book will stay up. One thing you’ll never see me do is willingly delete one of my stories, even if I were to somehow quit as a writer. 


Chapter 5 of Y/N’s Rather Odd Quest has been posted! Granted, it’s a bit of a rush job, and the drawing’s missing. 
          But I promised myself that I would post it before New Year’s and I did! Don’t worry, I’ll add more descriptions to the Chapter soon and the drawing will be added onto it in due time. 


Are you gonna update any of your books?


@BakuganVeteran I currently have no plans to continue my other fanfics for now. This isn’t to say that I’ll never update them again, I just don’t have a solid idea of where I want to go with those stories so they’re put on hiatus for the time being. 
            Y/N’s Rather Odd Quest has been taking up most of my attention mainly due to the fact that I have an actual plot in mind for it, which will be made more apparent by the time Chapter 5 rolls in. 


@Anonson69420 it’s fine. Are you gonna be working on your other books like “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!” And The prototype of hell?