
Yes, I posted that comment in here, but I'm just wondering why she's bad, when I'm not doing anything. Just pointed out some details she forgot and she got mad.


ATTENTION! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ You have been chosen to be showered with love! So enjoy! Now post this to everyone's message board who you think deserves all the love in the universe. If you get.. 1 back=you are loved, 3 back=you are popular, 5 back=you are the most lovable person out there, 9=I'm jealous


I thought I should drop by and say thank you for giving my story, The Silver Throne, a chance. It’s not the best out there, but I‘m really happy you still think it’s worth checking out. You made my day. I hope you’d have a nice day and, health-wise, stay safe! 


@relativiteaa I think it's really great. I love how you can get captivated, and sometimes get frustrated at characters. I could see it as being published one day. Don't be hard on yourself.