this message may be offensive
Hello, it is I, the annoying bitch you astonishingly decided to give a second glance. So I had an idea... please let know if this is a good or bad one, or if it's way too overused or something. Before I tell you my idea, I just want to inform you that my brain decided to become re-obsessed with the Harry Potter series. You've been warned. I was wanting to try out writing a fanfiction about a deeply traumatized Harry Potter (I feel like his trauma wasn't shown enough and was recovered from too easily in the books and movies, so I decided to make his life worse and also flesh out his trauma and the side effects.) who was abused and raped (at home for sure, maybe at Hogwarts... definitely at Hogwarts in second year actually.) since childhood. I feel like Dumbledore was heavily manipulative and am likely to keep him that way inside my story. I want to get more into the 'pureblood politics' and stuff, because years of bullying and hatred were spawned from a rejected handshake. I was thinking about making it where, politically, it meant so much more than a normal handshake, and that Draco thought that Harry was aware. I was also thinking about seeing if I could keep Sirius alive, but then again, I do need more crushing events.... In addition, I was considering making Snape more of an ally to Harry, maybe even a father figure. He would understand his pain and he wouldn't swarm him with smothering amounts of pity and affection. After all, while Harry would crave love and affection, too much of it when he isn't used to it would be suffocating. He would also need someone to fall back on when times were hard, and I wasn't sure how his friends should play into the equation. Hermione can stay, I think, but I don't know about Ron. I can see him being friends with him only for his fame, but I can also see him kind and understanding. What do you think I should do about him? That is, if you think I should do this at all. Should I? Please let me know, and have a wonderful day!