
no longer going here forever..., cool to everyone who made new stories, but I'm honestly so done (:


whats the other app that u use 


I feel dead inside. I wanna cry, but I can't. Ugh life


I'll explain why I didn't call you on Monday (:


@Jackie5sosHood   I fell asleep before you sent that message, I'll call you today if you wanna talk


Hello frenz, I have decided, because of the lack of activity in my page and comments; to put my book on hold. As I told Jackie: if I do decide to end my book, it will be a dark end. I am undecided on different endings and feel like just allowing my readers to imagine an ending is a better ending for you guys and me. I will notifying all my readers in a short paragraph, (I might even copy and paste this exact one) that I'm putting a pause and not continuing, New Place. New House. Jacob Sartorius. I thought I would confuse no matter what, but, I rather just relax and not worry about my parents finding about my fanfiction. And also, because of the lack of activity on my book, I know no one is awaiting and not expecting me to write. I'm sorry for the people who wanted me to continue but never commented, asking for more. 
          Goodbye, for now


 Don't know if that's supposed to be a rude or sarcastic comment but yeah :): :/


 ok whatever you want to do gaby your page your rules


Soo @AnnaXSartorius wanted me to read her new book, "That Hot Guy (Jacob Sartorius fanfic) it's kinda dirty, an example is here recent chapter, Dirty Dare. But it's coming out great. You can read it in my public library. Thanks for all you're support and request any books for me to read. (Also Anna MichxSartorius was saying her bff wanted her to read if I stay) 


 Wow my book made you cry? What part? And helloooo


@AnonymousNoName568  i actually love storys that makes me cry so your book made me cry and i loved it i also love thrilling books