
Next chapter is soon! Just trying to make it as long as possible! ❤️❌⭕️❌


Thanks to everyone who reads my story, I know I said the updates would be a week or less, but now that school has stared that isn't possible, but hopefully I can try, because nothing is impossible. I will try getting next chapter up by Friday the 13th! ❤


Prologue for Mates Are Not Made To Be Rejected,- basically a different title to the story I was going to write but ended up not writing!  coming up either today or tommorow depending on the amount of time I get!!! If it takes too long, I may just have to post a short chappie if it takes too long! <3 ya'll


I am currently in the process of writing the next chapter of A Bad Romance. Sorry about the long wait, I was in the middle of planning it all out, and I want to try to make the chapter very long. At the moment I am nearly on my fourth page, using Microsoft Word. I hope you enjoy the chapter, that I post up this evening(London Time) and please give some feedback, as it would mean the world to me. I don't really care if I dont get lots of votes, but a few comments on each chapter would mean a lot. Thank you x : )