
Howdy everyone! And Happy Birthday to Ruth! 
          	You guys know I always try to get a chapter out on or around her birthday, but I have a big exam I have been studying for which has taken up a lot of my time. It was also my birthday on the 27th, so I have been celebrating with loved ones. 
          	My exam is TODAY. Wish me luck! If all goes well, I will write afterwards and try to get the next chapter out this week!
          	All love, Maddie <3


@padawqn thank you very much! I passed, thankfully! Sending good luck to you as well! When you get around to reading, I do hope you enjoy, but no rush :D <3


@ightightight thank you so much! I passed, thank goodness! Sending good luck to you as well on your educational journey <3


@Anonymous_Writer002 good luck for your exams, I'll promise to read what you updated and make my best comments when I'll finish my exams too
          	  good luck <3


Howdy everyone! And Happy Birthday to Ruth! 
          You guys know I always try to get a chapter out on or around her birthday, but I have a big exam I have been studying for which has taken up a lot of my time. It was also my birthday on the 27th, so I have been celebrating with loved ones. 
          My exam is TODAY. Wish me luck! If all goes well, I will write afterwards and try to get the next chapter out this week!
          All love, Maddie <3


@padawqn thank you very much! I passed, thankfully! Sending good luck to you as well! When you get around to reading, I do hope you enjoy, but no rush :D <3


@ightightight thank you so much! I passed, thank goodness! Sending good luck to you as well on your educational journey <3


@Anonymous_Writer002 good luck for your exams, I'll promise to read what you updated and make my best comments when I'll finish my exams too
            good luck <3


Howdy y’all, 
          I’m working hard on that next chapter for you. Spoiler, this one is a flashback so I want it to be perfect! Honestly my goal is to have it finished by Ruth’s birthday, which is March 3rd! I know that’s a bit of time but I may get it done a bit quicker. We’ll see. 
          Side note: just a reminder that I am selling digital letters from a fictional character on my Etsy shop! They’re $5.50 and are completely personalized! Check it out if you’re interested! 
          All my love, Maddie 


With tik tok being banned (for the time being) in the U.S. I’m going to fill my time I would spend doom scrolling, writing instead. Hopefully I can pump out some chapters in the upcoming weeks! Thanks for all the love on the newest chapter and if you missed it, check out my previous 3 part update! 
          All love, Maddie


          I see all your comments, votes, messages, follows and they do not go unappreciated. It’s so heart warming to know that even though I don’t post, you all send your support and love. Although it’s small, it’s so cool that I have my own little community in my own little corner of the internet. Again, thank you all for your support and kindness throughout my time on this platform. I never thought I could get 1 follower let alone over 100. I hope you all have a happy new year, and a happy holidays. 
          And with that, I take my leave for now. Keep pestering me with messages and comments, they make my day. 
          Yours truly, Maddie/Perri 


Hi, not too sure at the moment. Like I’ve said, I’m extremely busy and have a lot going on, but I’d like to soon! Thanks for reading! 


Hi there! Love your Joel miller story as the world falls, When do you think you will be posting another chapter? I just read the last one you posted and I loved it so much! 


          I know that we are struggling in this economy and are scared for what is going to come in the next year (or four). As a young couple on one income, I can tell you I understand the struggle completely. 
          The past couple months, I have been desperately searching for something that I could do very part time (a couple hours out of my day) and from home to earn a little cash for small utilities and groceries. And I decided to try something out and use my writing to my advantage. I opened an Etsy shop where people can buy personalized letters from a fictional character! I know what you’re thinking…Wattpad, AO3, Tumblr. These sites are free, why bother paying. Well, like I said, this would be completely personalized from any character that you’d like, written by yours truly. It is a digital letter that would be sent electronically. I take writing, character accuracy, and your opinions very seriously! So I promise that it would be close to perfection. PLEASE DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED TO DO THIS. But if you’d like to show support, you can find the link on my page. It would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. 


There is a part 3 to this post 


Howdy Folks. How many months has it been? Too many to count. 
          Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s the year 2025 and with that an update. 
          I’m sure you’re wondering where I have been and most importantly, “where the damn update?” I know, and I hear you. It’s a long story, but I’ll try to keep it short. 
          It’s been a little over a year since I moved states to live with my boyfriend (which has been wonderful and we’re about to celebrate our 2 year anniversary)! And about 6 months ago, I quit my job after encountering some toxic and inappropriate behavior from coworkers and my supervisor. I decided to go to school full time to hopefully get a safer and better paying job. I am fast tracking a bachelors degree while my boyfriend supports us financially the best he can. I spend my days doing school, house work, groceries, dinner while he works 6 days a week. It’s very tough, but we know the outcome will be worth it. When it comes to As the World Falls, there’s not a day that goes by that I do not think about the story and I mean that honestly. As silly as it is, it’s my first big writing project compared to the small pieces I’ve written in my life and I want to finish it. Not just for me, but all of you. When I tell you that I will find the time, I absolutely will. This story will not go unfinished. As I promised Joel and Ruth will get their happy ending. 


There is a part 2 for this post


Hello, I'm not dead. 
          I think I have rewritten this chapter of As the World Falls one million times. I type out a page, read it, then delete it. I just can't seem to get it right. I know what I want it to be but I can't execute it and it's so frustrating. 
          I'm sorry.


@Anonymous_Writer002 take as much time as you need, we'll all be here as soon as we can to read it !!