Howdy everyone! And Happy Birthday to Ruth! You guys know I always try to get a chapter out on or around her birthday, but I have a big exam I have been studying for which has taken up a lot of my time. It was also my birthday on the 27th, so I have been celebrating with loved ones. My exam is TODAY. Wish me luck! If all goes well, I will write afterwards and try to get the next chapter out this week! All love, Maddie <3

@padawqn thank you very much! I passed, thankfully! Sending good luck to you as well! When you get around to reading, I do hope you enjoy, but no rush :D <3

@ightightight thank you so much! I passed, thank goodness! Sending good luck to you as well on your educational journey <3

@Anonymous_Writer002 good luck for your exams, I'll promise to read what you updated and make my best comments when I'll finish my exams too good luck <3