
Hello, I'm not dead. 
          	I think I have rewritten this chapter of As the World Falls one million times. I type out a page, read it, then delete it. I just can't seem to get it right. I know what I want it to be but I can't execute it and it's so frustrating. 
          	I'm sorry.


@Anonymous_Writer002 take as much time as you need, we'll all be here as soon as we can to read it !!


Hello, I'm not dead. 
          I think I have rewritten this chapter of As the World Falls one million times. I type out a page, read it, then delete it. I just can't seem to get it right. I know what I want it to be but I can't execute it and it's so frustrating. 
          I'm sorry.


@Anonymous_Writer002 take as much time as you need, we'll all be here as soon as we can to read it !!


I love your Joel Miller (As the World Falls)! I also love your type writing of smut for Joel&Ruth. It so soft, smooth, romantic and innocent. Like others said in the comments, so poetic. You have underrated writing skills in my opinion!


@wattjypad you're so sweet! Thank you so much, I appreciate it!


I’m working on As the World Falls right now. I think I’ll have it done by today 


@Anonymous_Writer002 YAY i’m actually so excited that you’re gonna continue the book now but also take as much time as you need and no pressure 


@Axqiltia I have been so busy. It's hard to find the time to write everything. I have made a promise that I will finish everything I have started thus far. My Joel Miller book was doing so well that I was pumping out chapters when on the other hand "Unlikely Turn..." wasn't gaining as much attention. BUT, I am still going to finish it. There's a started chapter in my word some where. I'll get around to it :)


what ever happened to ‘unlikely turn of events’ i rlly liked that series no pressure tho 


Howdy readers!
          I have begun unpublishing and republishing Lady of the Lycans. I really like the writing voice much better this second time around, it sounds much more fitting for the characters and the POV. If you're interested give it a read. New chapters no longer have their individual name. 
          I am sticking very very closely to the original plot line (it's identical) just adding extra background for some more *spice* since my love and knowledge for RE grows everyday. This franchise has been in my life since I was a 4 or 5 but there's still SO much even I don't know about, especially for the newer games. The more I have played them the past few years the more I have learned. 
          I hope you will enjoy!


Hi everyone, 
          I have been feeling a little stressed and anxious the past few days. I’ve been home alone a little more than normal this week and I’m realizing that I don’t like it very much at all. I start a new job next Monday, which I am also nervous/anxious but also excited about. Anyway, I’ve been writing a bit more for both my TLOU story and ST story, but at this moment all I want to do is rewrite my RE story. The creative juices for that are flowing a lot better and it would help my day move by a lot quicker. 
          So I’m going to spend the day doing that, but I want to remind everyone—new updates for both TLOU and ST are coming! I’ve been working on both. But I had some VERY big life changes the past couple weeks so I’m learning to balance. 
          I hope you all can understand. Thank you for your support ❤️


For my Lady of the Lycan readers…would you all be opposed to a updated rewrite? 
          I’ve had a bit of free time on my hands and got around to messing with the first couple of chapters. It’s kinda good…I won’t lie. But I won’t mess with it if y’all like it the way it is. 
          Not much of the plot would change, just the way I wrote it. It’s good! I still like it, but I don’t know. Sometimes the first and second draft aren’t the best, ya know? 
          Anyway, I’m ranting. I’m hoping to have the next chapter of As the World Falls out in the next couple weeks! 


@whimsical_ane I’ll see what I can do  thank you for your input ❤️


@LoneWolf1704 I definitely want to! I gave myself a lot of little projects and it’s hard to find a balance. But yes, I absolutely will! 


I want to know y’alls opinion for As the World Falls…
          Next chapter: 
          Or continuation from the last chapter
          You decide. 


HI HI!!!