
Hey, my fellow readers and writers,
          	It's been a while... and I mean 5 It's wonderful to be back. I have had the biggest writing and reading slump of my life and it wasn't until this last month I have been getting back to the thing I love the most. I have been super busy with writing and I am happy to say that the new version of 'Haunted by Our Memories' will be coming very soon to this new year. I hope everyone had a fantastic christmas and new years. I have learned lots in the past four years and last year had to have been one of the worst and best. I am hoping this year can be better for me and for any others who have struggled in these past few months, I believe things will get better. As always I love you all so much and we are so close to 3k on insta, stay strong. I am so happy to have met you guys and I have a feeling this year will have many surprises.
          	go follow my instagram @starz.libraries


@writingbybree thank you sooo much Bree, love ya muawhh


so so excited for you! <3


Hey, my fellow readers and writers,
          It's been a while... and I mean 5 It's wonderful to be back. I have had the biggest writing and reading slump of my life and it wasn't until this last month I have been getting back to the thing I love the most. I have been super busy with writing and I am happy to say that the new version of 'Haunted by Our Memories' will be coming very soon to this new year. I hope everyone had a fantastic christmas and new years. I have learned lots in the past four years and last year had to have been one of the worst and best. I am hoping this year can be better for me and for any others who have struggled in these past few months, I believe things will get better. As always I love you all so much and we are so close to 3k on insta, stay strong. I am so happy to have met you guys and I have a feeling this year will have many surprises.
          go follow my instagram @starz.libraries


@writingbybree thank you sooo much Bree, love ya muawhh


so so excited for you! <3


I wanted to add another note I have been working on the writing/planning for my other WIPs so look out for more posts on those. I will make a post talking about them and when I might be able to start publishing; including the authors note, dedication, playlist, and prologue maybe even sneak peak chapters. *for my debut readers* Don't worry I will be more focused on my debut so I can get that out in the open but just a reminder to look out on my other work!


Dearest reader and fellow writer friends,
          I have decided that I wanted to make my life harder and rewrite most of my debut. Yes Xavier and Anya's story will be different but much more interesting this time around, buckle up things are gonna get crazy. Including a new title (sorta lol)
          but I hope you all will enjoy the new version. I will be keeping the old chapters  up until I am done editing. Then I will have the previous 13 chapters and more to come! It will be done by the end of July (hopefully) it all depends on the time I will be able to write and if something goes down so please be patient with me :)
          Love always until the end of the world and after..


Where can I read The DESIRED SERIES


@Avylae hii so unfortunately that series hasn't came out yet. I would like to inform you that I have changed the title of the series to another name which I will not disclose! (Not yet) I have changed a lot of it except for the scene ideas and all the characters I have posted on Instagram. I am currently in the phase of world building and planning (somewhat of it) only the major plot points are in my brain at this moment. Reminder Wattpad will be the ONLY place that stories will be available so please tell me if you see my writing on another website! Unless I decide to publish traditionally, which one day I might. However, that's for another day. If you would like to know more about my other WIP's including the desired series (Again it will be a different name which I will announce once my debut is out and the trilogy is over with) go follow my Instagram and TikTok which you can find in the authors note in Haunted Memories (towards the bottom of the page) if there is anymore questions please do ask and if you want to DM that's possible. This summer I will start posting again so look out for that! 
            Until next time.


Hi guys,
          This is PT.2!!!
          People keep asking if I'm going to publish daily or weekly, etc. well even though I have already informed on my insta what my plans were if you don't have Instagram well then this is for you if you know then skip to the next paragraph please. Each Friday and saturday (from my choosing) I will post around 2-5 chapters (all depending on plot and my busy schedule) so yess that is weekly but if you find yourself sitting there reading and I haven't posted another chapters on one Fri or Sat then I'm probably busy please don't bother me I will be very mad I'm already stressing as it is. I will be moving around the same time that the official release date is so if I don't post on insta or here at conversation then it because of that I'm do busy taking care of my books and making sure the movers don't ruin them jkjk but still there books they can't hurt my precious babies.
          Everyone keeps asking for my Instagram so I'm gonna put it in my bio or about page! (it's gonna be a link or just my user idk yet)
          Also I know I haven't posted and I did say I'll be taking a social media break but its been almost 2 months so I guess this summer once school is out I will come back on and do my daily 3 post with 5 stories and highlights lol you know gotta keep y'all updated. if you guys wanna know my secrets to my following I can make a post on how to reach the BOOKSTAGRAM ULTIMATE STAGE (I have almost 2k followers I'm so excited - I lost a few from not posting but stay strong y'all please)
          Okay I love you my book babies have a great weekend until next time!
          (Wattpad Writer)


Hi everyone,
          I wanted to come on here and answer a few questions that I have been asked and I think a lot of you will want to know because I've had about 10 people ask me the same question.
          if you are wondering of the difference of the 2 series I am currently writing my debut and the desired series well those are connected but if I were you, I'd read the debut when it comes out and when the desired series is out start reading right after. Haunted memories is like a prequel of the desired series and brings up characters from the desired series but for the DS to make sense you have to read haunted memories. in reality you have to read the whole trilogy but the first book isn't out yet so i'm stressing y'all but if you want a guide to my books I can post for sure because, even in my head it's too much to handle I get confused a lottt.
          Then I will follow with a few other series that are also connected to the two which I think you guys will love the old memories and characters coming back to say hey. 2 hours ago I came up with another idea for one of the upcoming series and I'm telling you the ideas wont stop flooding but I love it I need this writers block to stop lol.
          go to Pt.2!!!


Hello everyone,
          Just wanted to check up and see how everything is! If you have any follow up questions about my book or anything I'll be happy to answer. You can DM me on instagram privately or even ask on here. Whichever one feels more comfortable. Hope you guys are doing good. I know I haven't posted or been on here for a while. I've been very busy with writing and I have so many reels ready to be posted on insta maybe this coming up summer I'll start posting regularly again. I have finals coming up so I'll be super busy but I'll try my best to respond if you have messaged me. Love you guys hope you have a great rest of your week!
          (Wattpad Writer)
          PS. I'm struggling with so much stuff. Please be patient!


@bassmlaashraf it's going to be a weekly update. I posted on here when I'll be publishing each chapter, but if you want me to add that to the book I can.


When are you gone update the story 
             And are you gona update it full or like weakly update or daily update 


          Hello everyone,
          So I just finished up some editing and I wanted to let you guys know that I have finished editing 1/4 of this novel. Damn that's surprising, because i've been so busy with school and now i'm moving the same week as the official release date so this is putting a lot of stress on me. If you have messaged me on here or instagram I will get to it as fast as I can. I'm so busy and i've been trying to take a little social media break and that's not really good because my views will most likely go down, yet I encourage you to please be patient with me, because im stressing so much and I don't want to get mad at my little cute sunflowers. Anyway I hope you all have an amazing week and if you're a high schooler just like me and are taking exams, I think you'll understand my stress too. I love you all good luck if you are taking exams remember to stay hydrated and humble (or frick being humble and don't give a crap what others say idc)
          - anonymouslyours
          (wattpad writer)


thank you so much mackenzie and for being so patient I will try my best and good luck on your finals and that gov test I've been stressing cuz I'm failing 2 of my classes and if I do fail this semester I won't be able to graduate early so thank you so much for understanding :)


Take your time on the book, there isn't any rush and the people who are probably rushing you just have nothing better to do then put more stress on you


@Anonymouslyoursxoxo Oh I definitely understand the stress. I just got done with state testing but still got finals and a government test which I just found out I absolutely need to pass in order to graduate so I'm definitely stressing, so I understand 