
Wrote more today! Not much but better than nothing.


 @LoisBeatricePeralta I am by no means an expert an i hope this advice helps but it very well might not, and I'm sorry if it doesn't. 
          With your friend first you should go tell a trusted adult if you haven't already. Your friend seems really upset and she could use an adult to talk to. I know this is very difficult, but if something goes wrong they will be much better equipped to step in an help. 
          Also be sure to your friend knows how much you care for her and if you have other friends tell them to let her know as well. Surround her with positivity.  One of the first way to beat them is having support and kindness from somewhere. People like that can't beat down positivity. 
          About this girls or these girls, the best I have to say is ignore her or them. Tell your friend to as well. Bullies live off making you flustered and upset.  If you are younger and in the beginning stages of high school or in middle school, just ignore her or them. In a few years most of them get better, and people start to realize that they aren't good people and outcast them in their own way, or these girls or girl grow up a bit an stop.If brave enough or the situation poses, stand up to whoever is saying those things. Tell them to knock it off or leave you or her alone. If try persist walk away or turn away. Don't give them power over you. 
          If you are in the upper group of high school, just play it off and ignore it. Don't let you or your friend show how much it bothers you. That's what they want to see. Be overly nice, and vent to each other when your alone. 
          Shake off what is being said and counter it with nice things. If nothing else, fake some confidence. Of she or they think your confident, they might back off and move on. 
          I hope this has helped. 
          Remember these type of people aren't worth it; what she or their saying isn't true and you and your friend are so much more valuable than what is being said to her or you. 
          I wish you the best,


@Anonymouswriter_1  Thank you... I wish you the best also....


I love you advices and I hope you can help me in handling mean girls or queen bees.... it also struggles me a lot that they are a bit jealous of my best friend which leads her to crying.... she never talks, skips lunch and I was failing miserably to cheer her up. Care to help?