
Hey, all! So, I started writing a new wattpad story. I promise you, this idea is better than any others I've ever had. I really hope you like it (it's A Blessed Corruption, btw). Vote if you like it, comment if you want to make me happy ^_^, and follow to get updates on the chapters! (I WILL keep on writing this story InshAllah because it's such a great idea in my opinion and also because I took the 30-day-pledge. Oops.) Lots of love <3 <3


Hey, all! So, I started writing a new wattpad story. I promise you, this idea is better than any others I've ever had. I really hope you like it (it's A Blessed Corruption, btw). Vote if you like it, comment if you want to make me happy ^_^, and follow to get updates on the chapters! (I WILL keep on writing this story InshAllah because it's such a great idea in my opinion and also because I took the 30-day-pledge. Oops.) Lots of love <3 <3


New Advice Blog!
          Hey, all! So I’d like to try running this advice blog since I really love trying to help others solve their problems. I really hope you guys confide to me, and I hope I can do my best to help you guys figure yourselves out, whether it was a family problem, personal problem, girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse problem or anything else. I might not be older than you, but you never know what a younger one can teach you. So I’ll be really happy if you guys try it out and see if I can help you guys :D
          Here it is!

          (I’d love to see who’d be my first customer :P <3)