

To all followers.
          I have recently removed most of my work as to the overwhelming volume of an outside project is in the works.
          CELCIUM will be getting a re release with a full publication in late 2019. However, for other works such as (The Spine To Mount Faragon), and others; due to heavy loads of work already in works, I will no longer be releasing for this year. 
          Jelly Bag, a very short story will remain in my works. Thank you to all who have read, voted and taken their time to comment - it has meant a great deal to me, and my confidence. 
          All in all, this dose not mean that I will not be publishing with Wattpad, I will be active for advice, reads, comments and votes. I may even publish some more very short story’s evolving around the subject of reality.
          What Wattpad has taught me, is that even if your work is uncertain; your unsure about it, edit as well as possible and show readers what they think. Its healthy and a great way to start your writing. 
          Remember - where our mind struggles, great stories come from it. Theirs a story in all of us, no matter if you have been educated to the highest degree or not.        
          Story’s are more then narrative fiction - they inspirer us to indulge our selfs into the hemisphere of unknown possibility’s.


@Anormy Wow. That was amazingly inspirational. Hmmmm, just realized that i havent followed you. Let me fix that. XD