
Merry Christmas y’all!


@AnotherBkDkShipper Merry Christmas to you too. (:


Some of y’all writers really need Grammarly…
          Like it’s not that your writing is bag in fact some of y’all’s books are amazing but this is the occasional mistake or misspelled word that is there, and I don’t wanna comment abt it cuz y’all wanna block ppl for correcting you :/ 
          And even if you do reread chapters before you post (which it’s noticeable when you don’t, btw) sometimes you might miss something yourself so js get Grammarly or honestly js write in google docks cuz it will underline ur mistakes too sometimes
          That’s all! :)


@AnotherBkDkShipper Oh, I know. I didn't mean that you were being rude. Sorry if it came off that way. I just meant that is how it should be done, and no one should block you for it. I didn't think you were being rude. I'm so sorry if that is what it seemed like I meant cause it wasn't at all. I just meant if it is done respectfully, no one should block you, and I thought you did it the right way. I meant that writers should accept respectful comments on their work, that's all. Sorry again if that is not how it came off. Yeah, I saw them but didn't want to say anything. We are all human, you know.. lol. It's all good. When I said we laughed in the comments, I mean about our own mistakes.. lol anyway, please, if you see something on one of mine please tell me so I can fix it. (:


Also rereading that I’m realizing I made mistakes in my rant about people making mistakes in their writing :|


@Knightstar192227 I’m not saying it to be rude I’m trying to say out of respect because sometimes I’m reading a really good fit and I just get lost because of a small mistake.


Hello everyone I’d like to come on here and talk abt the KOSA bill. Now I don’t not as much about this bill as some other creators an you can google it or got on TikTok and find creators to talk about more and ways you can help but it essentially targets apps like ao3 and Wattpad and makes them inaccessible along with anything LGBTQIA+ and anything mental health related. Because this affects apps like ao3 and Wattpad even if you don’t like in the us you will be affected. Please go on TikTok and find the creators @omarsbigsister and sign the petitions in there bio and call up local officials. Try to stop this please!


ok, so I know I rarely make any updates, but recently I've been getting more inspiration for my book Amnesia, so I've read over the last couple of chapters I've put out and I'm definitely gonna redo a lot of it, so as of right now the book has been taken down but it will come back and, trust me when I say it will be better!


Thanks for the follow! I love your profile in general ♡
          Your books look interesting too, I'll definitely have to check them out ;)


@AnotherBkDkShipper of course! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧