@AnotherBkDkShipper Oh, I know. I didn't mean that you were being rude. Sorry if it came off that way. I just meant that is how it should be done, and no one should block you for it. I didn't think you were being rude. I'm so sorry if that is what it seemed like I meant cause it wasn't at all. I just meant if it is done respectfully, no one should block you, and I thought you did it the right way. I meant that writers should accept respectful comments on their work, that's all. Sorry again if that is not how it came off. Yeah, I saw them but didn't want to say anything. We are all human, you know.. lol. It's all good. When I said we laughed in the comments, I mean about our own mistakes.. lol anyway, please, if you see something on one of mine please tell me so I can fix it. (: