
So I haven't been on in a while, but the last time I was I replied to every inbox I'd received. Although something has gone wrong with my messaging and my messages aren't sending (which I hadn't realised last time). I just tried to reply a few minutes ago and they're still not sending so please don't think I'm ignoring you! I just can't sent inbox messages :( I'll keep trying though! <3


Tyler:D ^-^ yayyyy you're back...


@Rootz_Rockz I can't message you in your inbox :( My messages won't send!


Yep! :D I am back!!! Now that it's holidays for me until next year when I hopefully head to Uni, I'll be able to be on here much more often :3


So I haven't been on in a while, but the last time I was I replied to every inbox I'd received. Although something has gone wrong with my messaging and my messages aren't sending (which I hadn't realised last time). I just tried to reply a few minutes ago and they're still not sending so please don't think I'm ignoring you! I just can't sent inbox messages :( I'll keep trying though! <3


Hey everyone!
          Sorry I haven't been on in a while, but my dad had a kidney infection and was in hospital for a while because it wasn't getting better and there were complications, but now he's on the mend and I should be on a little more often. 
          So tomorrow after school, catching up on some homework and doing stuff for my dad, I'll hopefully be able to start replying to messages!
          Love Ty :)