
I'm beginning to think about a new sci-fi/fantasy mixture with @tacomacupcake .


@AnsonZombieSurvivor I feel you should continue The Second Brotherhood. It's a great book. Seeing as @majesticninjacat4 is giving up on Hanna (or so you say), then I feel it is up to you where the story should go from there. I love the parts both you and Emma came up with, and I think you are really good at that sort of writing. Maybe you should end it with something happening to Hanna (since you can do that if the book Hanna is no longer existent), and Tom leaves to find help from mister Richard guy. Then if Emma decides to come back to it, Hanna could've just gone into hiding, so you wouldn't go into detail about what happened to Hanna. You could end it like that, and then I think a sequel would be very fitting for such a large plot twist. Best of luck!


What I'd initially decided was to have Tom and his half-brother Richard be in close contact after the rebuilding. But I'll take that into consideration. Just...I wanted to add a little character drama, where Hanna comes back after fifteen or so years, and Tom is angry with her. But @majesticninjacat4 wants to kill Hanna, which is why I'm not asking for her opinion.


@AnsonZombieSurvivor perhaps you could do the last chapter of the second brotherhood having Tom go somewhere undisclosed, then write the sequel in his brother's point of view. In the sequel, the brother finds where Tom is an talks to him, though you can choose whether or not Tom dies/goes away/stays with brother soon after. This would hopefully make a good transition from one book to the next.