
Hello, readers. This is Ant1z0Ne in the zone.  We're about to reach March tomorrow and the beginning of fasting for all Muslim in the world including me.  Selamat hari berpuasa to all of Muslim readers and happy Ramadhan to all of non-Muslim readers. I wish you have a blessed time with your family in this Ramadhan. Back to the topic, the reason I giving this announcement is because I want to continue with the new chapter but for some reason... I don't know to either keep the original story or changes it for the new one.  What is your opinion? Leave your answer in the link below:


Hello, readers. This is Ant1z0Ne in the zone.  We're about to reach March tomorrow and the beginning of fasting for all Muslim in the world including me.  Selamat hari berpuasa to all of Muslim readers and happy Ramadhan to all of non-Muslim readers. I wish you have a blessed time with your family in this Ramadhan. Back to the topic, the reason I giving this announcement is because I want to continue with the new chapter but for some reason... I don't know to either keep the original story or changes it for the new one.  What is your opinion? Leave your answer in the link below:


          I really enu9y your works And from your old account
          And was wondering if you'd be interested in listening to and maybe trying a story idea I made 
          Please reply if you see this 


@juubi-mage0327 I think Discord would be fine. My username .antizone and my display name SMK J0hN.


            Sent a friend request 


@juubi-mage0327 Hello there. Sorry for the late response. I've been busy in real life. So, tell me that idea of yours.


Hey I want to know if you're interested in hearing my idea for your story Lincoln loud alpha hound


@Ant1z0Ne no problem also I'm a writer who want to help with other writers


@WAMred Omg... I'm literally having chill after reading this. This is one of the most best idea that coming from a fan. How the temple only reveal itself every 120 years, how the temple has its own obstacle and the boss, how the last trial explained and the title... damn... I can't thank you enough for giving this badass idea. I shall see if I can put this on my story in the near future. Also, your name shall be mention for the idea. We shall see in the future.


@Ant1z0Ne well the power can be anything you want in the story but the temple itself is special for always raised up from the ground of any rings every 120 years and will be in the surface for three days but on the fourth day it will sinks back to the ground. In this temple there are traps that are dangerous. 
            However what makes this temple a death trap is the three bosses that represent the three most important parts of Cerberus: loyalty, strength, and vigilance. 
            Upon defeating the three bosses in the temple the center door will unlock thus allowing anyone to enter however there is one test that must be passed before getting the power.
            Which is the boundary between life and death thus why almost none can get this power because many demons or sinners don't understand that. However there is a title upon getting this power: Hound of Hell which means the keeper of hell


Friend, I hope you had a happy new year and a merry Christmas; the story of the Lincoln Loud crossover with the characters of Helluba Boss and Hazbin Hotel has been one of the best stories I've read, given that it has something that the Nickelodeon series won't give Lincoln, Happiness with the beings who love him and truly appreciate him; also adding that Lincoln's character has a lot of development in the story. That's why, I hope this story continues with chapters that I'm sure will leave all of us speechless, the followers who will be supporting you.


@Starlord984 In the honor of my AU's Lincoln, I thanked you to your comment. Yes... my journey only just begun but like Gojo said and with a bit of twist of my own "Between Heaven and Earth, I alone decides my road". This is just the beginning of a new year but the road are still far away for me to grasp. I shall wait and continue until I see the end of the road.


I was thinking on your Story Lincoln Loud The Alpha hound why not do a holiday special like a short chapter for Christmas even if it is past or for  the new year where they all get together for a good time


@KillerTyger You're a fellow who has focus, commitment and sheer will and I respect that. I will post it the sooner my newest chapter finished.


@Ant1z0Ne MERRY CHRISTMAS BROTHER. but to answer your question it is that it is something that came to my mind with about about a half hour of work last night, and thought even the denizens of HELL deserve a holiday


this message may be offensive
@KillerTyger I'm gonna be honest with you. Did you bug my house or can you read my mind? I'm about to post a non-canon time line chapter about Christmas special for the Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel series in one chapter after I finish the newest chapter that I'm writing right now. When you send this message after I finish thinking about the chapter, I was like "Fuck, how the hell did he know? I just finish thinking about that just now." I don't know how you do it but I give you my respect for the perfect timing.


@Ant1z0Ne by chance did Lincoln ever complete that bet with Blitz I been having hard time finding it the one where he do killing withing 30 minute with target body


@Ant1z0Ne i double check through first chapter to current they never make it official yet hope new chapter he they will make complete bet


@Catcappincinohun Well... that scene might now show in the story since I have multiple new original chapter to post


Yo, millie is pregnant.
          Lincoln will do whatever it takes to protect and help his new mother with the baby. 


@StormCooper117 Hell yeah, he is. He's already a big brother in the human world and he could do it again but the way Millie crying during her test... there must be a story behind it so I can only wait for it.


Hello, readers. This is Ant1z0Ne in the zone. I want to mention to all of you one thing. I have changes the title of my story if you are confused on where is my story. The new title of the story is "Lincoln Loud, the Alpha Hound". You might be asking why I changing the title. That is because I want the reader to see who is Lincoln in Hell and why he is called that in Hell. Which is why I changes the title instead of just hellhound considering he's a Sinner, he's the alpha... the apex predator... the leader of the pack... He's the king of the pack and the one who will changes Hell in some way. This persona is fit for him and the title also fit for him but if you readers want to create another title, I don't mind to receives your opinion. That would be all. This is Ant1z0Ne. Peace out.


@StormCooper117 Oh, you have no idea what I'm about to do in those arc... HAHAHAHAHA!


            I finished reading your old Lincoln loud/helluva_boss. It was awesome. I hope in the news Lincoln Loud adventure meets with queen bee, Crimson, and Satan courthouse.


@SebastianGonzalez098 Why thank you very much