
These are tough times for many. For many others, these difficulties have lasted centuries. I am not black, but i see you, i hear you, i will support you and i will fight with you. BLACK LIVES MATTER. LET THE VOICES WHO NEED TO BE HEARD BE HEARD. YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS, YOU ARE NOT ALONE
          	For all my black readers, we love you, we care for you. Just remember that you're not alone


These are tough times for many. For many others, these difficulties have lasted centuries. I am not black, but i see you, i hear you, i will support you and i will fight with you. BLACK LIVES MATTER. LET THE VOICES WHO NEED TO BE HEARD BE HEARD. YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS, YOU ARE NOT ALONE
          For all my black readers, we love you, we care for you. Just remember that you're not alone