This is an important message. Kind of a lesson, I suppose. Something I learned the hard way. As a fanfic writer, a student at school, and someone with a personal life, I’m busy. We all are. I have a friend (also a fanfic writer) and I left a comment on a story of hers that made it sound like I wanted her to update the story. I KNEW then and I KNOW how busy she is, and yet, I still wanted an update from her. So, lesson time. For me, and for everyone. Please don’t ask someone for an update. We all have personal lives, and a lot of us, probably majority of us, are very busy! Asking for an update puts more stress on the person. Instead, say something like, “I love this story so much, and I’m excited for the next chapter!” But, this is not okay: “UPDATE!” As innocent as it was probably intended, it can cause a lot of stress on the writer to write and post the next chapter. I have learned this hard way because I was an ass who pressured a good friend of mine for an update on her story when she is very busy. I want everyone to know what I did, because I messed up, BIG TIME. To my friend, I am so sorry for pressuring you. It was incredibly wrong of me. Take all the time you need when writing, and don't let anyone tell you when to have a fic ready. Especially me. It was wrong of me to want an update, and I sincerely apologize. xx