
When you just wanna sleep


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Okay So I gotta say this shit .....So people are coming at other people for there fuck ups but yet can't admit to there fucking own, NIGGA OR BITCH YOU ARENT FUCKING PERFECT STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE YOU NEVER FUCKED UP CAUSE BITCH IK YOU FUCKING HAVE! You can come at somebody else when they fuck up but when the tables get turned an it's on you Then You still find a way to talk shit :/ Tf like do you have common sense? An people have done this shit to me but lately all I see is people coming at other people for shit they have done in the past ...Shit I'll admit I've done it but I fucking hate it an i only do it if somebody else brings up the fucking past NIGGA ITS CALLED THE PAST FOR A REASON!!! If you wanna live in the past then don't Talk to about how you wanna move past it an shit cause bitch I'll call fucking BULLSHIT! People Don't wanna bully but yet you still fucking bully people you don't call it fucking bullying but do you fucking know how it makes the person Feel? FUCK NO YOU DON'T! An Yeah the truth hurts but don't fucking say it in a fucked up way cause that shit is fucking pathetic✌ Look I've done my dirt I'll admit that shit but I'm not proud of it an in all honesty I hate fûcking thinking about it cause I realize I'm a fucked up person I don't try to be but I have my moments so to anybody I've ever done that to I'm so fucking sorry an i hope you can forgive me❤ If not I honestly understand xx But Just Know I kick myself in the ass everyday✌ 
          P.s. Karma Isn't just Bad Shit it's Also Good So every time something bad happens yeah Karmas a Bitch but Yknow what Karma can be a fucking blessing , I see it both ways❤
          Now Have a Great Saturday❤❤


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Things got me fucked up in the head
          Wondered how this is gonna work again
          You tell me a bunch of shit but go back on it
          You get to my feelings then pull away
          Tf us wrong with you, do it again cause I won't stay
          I'ma pack up my shit , Get dismissed leave your ass
          An by the end of all that you'll wonder why I left, 
          I left for the fact to much bullshit came out your mouth
          Your actions didn't back up your words
          You like the fact of me being there
          You love the thought of having me as a back up plan
          But you done made a huge fucking mistake cause I'm done
          I'm not playing that shit I'm not doing it.
          (this went to nobody was just bored asf xD )


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Tbh I'm happy for them ❤ They got their love story an they are both super happy an that's all that matters :), I'm done with fighting an shit but just don't walk over me or try to but tbh they are one cute ass couple ❤❤ 
          Congrats Skye & Austin❤I'm Happy for y'all❤