
I'm thinking about completely changing the story, as in, not make it a fan fiction, but change Harry's name to something else.


Hey Kaylee. It's Abby. Are you okay? You, Desi and I haven't talked in quite a while.. I'm sorry that we started slipping away. You don't ever get on Facebook, at least when I'm on, so I can never talk to you. How have you been? 


@LovatosQueen1 I'm fine, I just have been grounded for about five months and haven't been allowed on the Internet , unless I sneak and get on once and a while, I miss you guys but I'm not online much and I can't go I Facebook at all or else my uncle or aunt will know, so could you tell desi I miss her too? Thank you :) when I get my stuff back, or go to my dads we can oovoo okay? I'll make sure to message you on here the first chance I get to be on the computer  <3 love you !!


thanks for following me!
          eden :D


@AwkwardLaughter you're welcome! I love Eve!  I can't wait for more (ps, if he ever meets her, you should slowly turn it into a book)


and also adding for 'Eve.' to your reading list! :D