
Frases en ingles sentimentales:
          	(1)Let Your Smile Change The Wold,but no dot let the wold change you smile.
          	(2)Everyone sees what  you appear,but few see what you really are.
          	(3)Do Not Espeak if what you say is more beatiful than silelence
          	(4)Distancie does make the miles,but the people.
          	(5)Who does not understand a look,also include a long explanation...


Frases en ingles sentimentales:
          (1)Let Your Smile Change The Wold,but no dot let the wold change you smile.
          (2)Everyone sees what  you appear,but few see what you really are.
          (3)Do Not Espeak if what you say is more beatiful than silelence
          (4)Distancie does make the miles,but the people.
          (5)Who does not understand a look,also include a long explanation...


A un amigo mio le gusta:
          El metal con el rock,y yo como dije antes me gustan todos los generos,pero no soy tan pegada ala musica(me gusta un poco bailar,y echuvhar artistas de otra parte del mundo,por ejem:
          Una de Demi Lovato,una de un artista que se llama Florida  ect.


@ Anto0130 :Bye


@ Anto0130:a mi tanbien me gustan monitos anime o series que tengan personajes Wawaii.
            "No me gusta Sailor Moon,Sakura  esas conocidan no ,pero una de Disney XD si.