
Do we want to reduce carbon emissions? The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the way - consume less! No matter how hard we try to reduce emissions by going green, whatever that means to anyone, reducing consumption is the fastest way for reducing carbon emissions.
          	What are we doing to reduce consumption? Are we eating less, driving less, flying less, cruising less, spending less on goods? We did that during the pandemic, and some of us are still doing it, but most have gone back to the old ways and so have carbon emissions.
          	We can talk about saving our planet or we can can do something concrete. The choice is ours every single day. Individual actions do make a difference. The pandemic has given us the proof.
          	Think about! We're on a runaway train. The least we can do is slow it down before the inevitable crash to reduce the consequences.


Hey I'm a new writer, how about we support each other ❤


@cassiecrawford067  What did you like about it?


@cassiecrawford067 Did you like anything that I wrote?


Do we want to reduce carbon emissions? The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the way - consume less! No matter how hard we try to reduce emissions by going green, whatever that means to anyone, reducing consumption is the fastest way for reducing carbon emissions.
          What are we doing to reduce consumption? Are we eating less, driving less, flying less, cruising less, spending less on goods? We did that during the pandemic, and some of us are still doing it, but most have gone back to the old ways and so have carbon emissions.
          We can talk about saving our planet or we can can do something concrete. The choice is ours every single day. Individual actions do make a difference. The pandemic has given us the proof.
          Think about! We're on a runaway train. The least we can do is slow it down before the inevitable crash to reduce the consequences.


Almost everybody on Earth has heard of Climate Change and Global Warming. Some may even understand what it is and how it works, but how many have heard of the Milankovitch Cycles that drive climate change? Planet Earth has undergone countless ice ages and warming periods. With almost clockwork accuracy, there's an ice age every 100,000 years, the longest of the Milankovitch cycles. What's different this time? A crowded world with eight billion people! At the peak of the last global warming cycle, less than one million humans inhabited the earth. Regardless of what we do to avoid disaster, the consequences this time around will be deadly! Unfortunately, there's not much we can do. The facts are laid bare in my book: Climate Change - What does it Mean?


It is said that truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident. What is the truth about god? Is god real or imagined? It's an age-old question much debated throughout human history. Is science able to give us a definitive answer? Find out the truth for yourself in my new book, Conversations in the Pantheon - the Truth about God and Religion.


I need to ask something. All of your books are about the things which are really far away from feelings and humanity's emotions. Why are you writing like that all the time? If you have a talent and enjoyment at writing you have to try to write more emotionally I think. I don't like love stories but you can add a little bit part of your soul to your books, to your stories about travelling. I think that can be breathtaking. 


@houzzer  Please read my new book and tell me what you think. I value your comment and I'm trying to do what you suggested. I would appreciate any further advice you can give me.


@houzzer That is one excellent comment and I thank you for it. I guess the simple answer is, I don't know how to do it. I have been a technical writer all my life and I'm finding it hard changing that style. I really appreciate your feedback and I will try a bit harder to do as you suggested in my future books. Thank you.