I hardly think anyone will read this 
so am going to write shits about me here
the previous bio was written when I was a toddler OK sorry bad joke
I wrote it when I was 13 and wrote
xoxo and shits
so basically I am a sucker when it comes to bio coz hell it's bio duhh
I am a truly madly deeply for One Direction
Justin Bieber is a fucking Greek god
I hate it when auto correct tries to correct the slangs to shots and ducking lol

currently creepy eye emoticon is my fave
I don't follow people back duhh
guys with right amount of facial hair is such a turn on
dimples can never go wrong on one's face
member of One Direction ?
I don't mind at all
love people who blush
a sucker for cliche fan Fics
and romantic stories
but so not a cliche stories fan
I believe in true love and the true love kiss
I can't let anyone see my camera roll coz hell it has many unexplainable screenshots and shirtless Zac Efron
ahemm no just kidding . No zac efron
*wins the best liar of the century award *
thank you thank you *bows*
I love taking screenshots of ugly snaps send by my frannds
basically I live for screenshots
almost got 1000+ of them
Hogwarts is a place I belong ok muggles
if we burn you burn with us
heck I just love that
growing up is so sick I want to swap my place with Jules
getting proposed like in the story 'finding Cinderella " is my sole purpose of life
I don't want to be in a temporary relation kinda thingy coz its lame duhhh
I love checking out cute guys lool like who doesnt
but if he starts showing interest it creeps the shit out of me "coz dude you're not supposed to do that "
I talk the same way with guys the way I talk with my girlfriends which some times brings me in awkward situation
when I say loool it means I find it hilarious
adfkglagfldha means I am rofling
so you must have noticed till now
I am babbling here
yeah you're right
toast for girl almighty
  • Kathmandu, Nepal
  • InscritMarch 3, 2013

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