
Wanna cry? Feel realatble in this current society ??
          	READ THIS -


Hi! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me! If you ever want to chat please message me or comment on my book– I love to talk about reading or writing. Have a great rest of your day!


@NikkiPierceBooks no problem at all!
            I really loved your books, well still love haha and thank you have a nice day too :)


Hello, there! Thanks for adding Jinx (The Neko Inventor Chronicles, Book 1) to your Fantasy reading list, even though technically, it’s meant to be science fiction, due to the abundance of technology and the dystopian vibes that are in the book itself. But the concept of an animal familiar is in there, even if it’s built on the level of technology itself.
          Anyway, thanks for adding Jinx (The Neko Inventor Chronicles, Book 1) to your reading list, and I hope you enjoy reading it to see what I’m talking about!


@Anwesha062005 You're welcome! I know how hard exams can be (I've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt for it), and trust me, they are no fun whatsoever, especially when you get stressed out just by having to study so hard for your exams just to get good grades out of your classes. I barely scraped by with a C in my last algebra class in college, and I had to drop out of college a long time ago because the classes were just not the ones I really wanted, which were in-person classes.
            And it's alright if you added it in there to avoid losing the story itself. There is actually a way you could add the story in without losing your place on the story itself, and that's by adding it to your private library, then creating a sci-fi reading list later on when you get the chance to do so. I don't think you'd easily lose your place in the story itself, so whenever you get a chance to read it, you can always return to your reading place in the book itself and see where it goes from there.


@meroceank8921 hello! And you're welcome. Btw I'm sorry it took me soo long to respond ( exams really got to my head ). First of all I'm sorry for adding it to my fantasy reading list I knew it was Sci fi but I didn't have a reading list for it! I saw it when I was browsing through wattpad and I didn't wanna lose it so I quickly added it :) But I made a Sci fi reading list now and I'll add it there! 
            And thank you for this sweet message :)


You're a gem❤️✨ I see your support on My Veela- Dramione, your presence means a whole lot to me. I'm glad you gave my book a chance. And I'm happy to have you read it. I hope you enjoy it.
          (Ps: in case of any comments, I'd love to reply, but I might be in a class in school as this message reaches you. I'll try to reply to all of them as soon as I can.)
          With all the love I have for what I do,
          itsraining_again ❤️


@itsraining_again you're welcome..  I'd love to read it too.. :)